Chapter 108 (1/2)

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It had all started when I was at the Graveyard

The silverette dug into the hole before wiping his head. He sat the shovel down and then pouted once he saw the rest of the hole he had to dig. He was nowhere near done at all

He glanced behind him and tilted his head at the gravestone near him

I had never seen it before. Surely, I wouldnt have dug it or put a tombstone there. It was rather odd to say the least

He stepped over to it and then bent a bit to see the name on the tombstone. However, it was a but dusty. Undertaker sat his hand on it before-

And just like that, poof!

I was gone..
Only to reappear in a new place!

The Male groaned a small bit till he sat up and looked around. It was a Graveyard, just like the one from before. But, around him was nothing but woods. It's as if this place was stored away

Everything was different

There was a Church. Full of people grieveing and eating even. Some talking to one another and some on a...Block of sorts?

Clothes, transportation, communication. Anything you could imagine

"Hold on. Can I see Papa?"

He quickly fumbled over to a Tree and hid behind it. Undertaker was a bit curious so, he peaked his head over

And then I saw her

A little girl stood in front of a tombstone, staring at it with a blank face

Around then, she was nothing but the age eight at least

But, I found her quite odd

The girl sat a hand on the stone and then closed her eyes "I'll miss you, Papa. I'll take care of 'em..."

She stood and smiled "Be careful up there, Papa. Oh wait, I'm stepping on you.." She hobbled over to the side and then smiled yet again. But, it didnt last. It fell down as she still stared at the stone

She sat down next to it and sighed, letting the air blow her hair a bit


It was the strangest thing

What would a Child be doing talking to a Gravestone? Rather funny if you ask me. They do make great company but, a Grave of all things?

Not long after that, I was back in the grave from before

Back at the hole I was digging

But then, a few Years later...


The silverette peaked his head over the side in his new get up, a Poilce outfit. He walked down the hall and kept his head high as he had his hair tucked and bangs to the side, face exposed with contacts in his eyes and makeup to hide his scares

I had gone back

But, this wasnt the first

I had been watching over her ever since

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