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So my theories were correct.
We didn't get any breakfast. And I'm pissed.

I mean it's not entirely my fault that we were late. Stupid alarm clock did it. Yh I'm gonna go with that.

We made it in time for first period and I had the feeling I was forgetting something.

I sat at the back of my history class with my headphones in glaring at any students that dared look my way when the teacher got a phone call.

The classroom became silent as everyone stared at the teacher as she picked up the phone. For once I was curious too I mean, the teacher never gets phone calls sue me for being nosy.

Just then, the teacher put the phone down and stared right at me.

What did I do now?

Well didn't you punch those cheerleaders last week.

Yh but-

And didn't you give the English room a makeover.

I never did like those neon yellow walls, they hurt my eyes. But how could they have known it was me.

Who else would do it.

Fair point.


Well this feels familiar.

"One second miss this is the good part."

The teacher had smoke coming out of her ears as I continued listening to my music until the very end.

Let's just say when I put my head up, I was not looking at a very pleasant sight. The teachers face was bright red and she had a scowl on her face that made her look constipated.

"What do you want?" I spoke innocently, it may have come out a bit harsh for my liking. Hey give me a break, the only person I'm nice to is Hay and even then I'm not nice. I'm not a bitch but I am at the same time.

Confusing I know but it is what it is.

The teacher collected herself. "Alexandra Ferrari the principle summoned you to his office 7 minutes ago.

Daamn how do I get stuck in my head for that long.

You love me really.

Shut up conscience.

"You should have said that 7 minutes ago then Samantha." I smirked and grabbed my bag as Samantha scowled at me. I flipped the class off and walked out.

If the principle didn't call me I would have just left the class anyway. Now what did that man want now.

I had spent so much time getting in trouble that I practically knew his office like the back of my hand.

I didn't mind the principle, he was actually a great guy, it's the teachers he employs that get on my nerves.

I skipped the reception desk as I was here so often. I walked along the hall until I was in front of the principles door. And I knocked on the door politely and waited.


I kicked the door open with my foot.
"Missed me Jerry!"

Jerry rolled his eyes and motioned for me to take a seat. I looked around the room and my eyes immediately latched on 5 large figures standing in what looked like smallest to biggest.

Well that's wierd Jerry has guests?

I made my way to the seat in front of Jerry's desk without breaking eye contact with the mystery guests. I gave them a cold stone face and turned my attention to Jerry

"What did I do now Jerry?" I knew quite well what I did but I wasn't just going to say it in case Jerry had another reason he summoned me.

"Well Alexandra I think you know quite well what you did with the English room out of order and 3 of our cheerleaders in the hospital."

Well shit.

"I will neither confirm nor deny my involvement in those events."

"Alexandra there is video evidence of you beating up those girls, and I know your intentions may have been pure,"

See this is why Jerry is my favourite he doesn't jump to conclusions and knows that the girls were bullies. He hates them as much as I do and I'm sure he had a good laugh out of it.

"..but we can't condone this type of behaviour."

I leaned back in my chair with a blank face. I knew what was coming next. Suspension. Normally I wouldn't mind but there was a reason I had to stay in school this week.

I had a mission that was assigned to me because it involved the school I went to. I might as well just come out with it

I'm an assassin.

Not just any assassin, the white wolf the best assassin in the country. Some would even say the world. I couldn't risk failing any job.

I was bought out of my thoughts by the sound of Jerry's voice.
"So Alexandra I would have suspended you but some news had been bought to light."

That perked my interest. What could he possibly mean by that. I looked up at the mysterious men. They were all already looking at me almost as if they were analysing me.

Whatever Jerry was talking about had to be connected to them.

I glared at them and two of them looked down whilst the other three continued staring at me.

"Who are they Jer?" I asked not breaking eye contact with them.
It was like an intense staring match.

I looked back at Jerry when I saw that he hesitated to reply.
"Well Alex that is why you're here, this is your father and 4 brothers."

I looked at his face for any sign of a joke
When I saw none I did the only thing that I could think of doing in this situation.

I laughed.

Yh I may sound like a crazy person but you try being in this situation and besides when I'm in an uncomfortable situation I laugh. It's like a defence mechanism.

Just as I stopped laughing I looked at the 5 strangers to see all their faces filled with shock. Did they expect me to welcome them with open arms or something.

I then stopped and glared at everyone in the room. You could cut the tension with a knife. By the look on the men's face, you could tell they were not expecting a sudden change in emotion by me. I took them off guard.

"I don't have a family, you've got the wrong person."
With that I walked out the room and slammed the door. Jerry's frantic calls for me to come back did not go unheard.

For now I had to push everything that happened to the back of my mind. I'll think about it later I can't afford to be distracted.

I was going after the target now.


Another chapter completed.
So Alexandras an assassin.
She has a secret family.
What is she going to do with her secret and will they find out??
Bye lovelies♡

K xx

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