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Alexandra POV

We had just arrived at the airport, the car ride was peaceful for the most part, I just missed Hay. She was the only one who tried to get to know me and become friends with me during the short time that I was in California. I hope she'll be ok.

Flashback few hours ago

I stepped onto the wooden floor board, getting off the last step on the staircase. I opened the door and was met with the same 5 men that I had grown to endure. I don't trust them yet but we'll see as we go along.

I walked up to them and 'serious' and 'motherly' quickly retrieved my bags and passed them on to the driver who then took them outside to put them in the car. I should really ask them what their names are.

Yh stupid

Oh be quiet I'm not gonna let you ruin this one for me.

Uugh rude much.

Shut it.

"So princessa, you ready to go?" I looked up to face them all and nodded my head. They all smiled and made their way to the car. I turned to Hay who had tears in her eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Alex, god you've turned me into an emotional mess." We both hugged and laughed.

"I'm gonna miss you too Hay, and you can visit anytime you like, I'm sure the fam won't mind especially a certain someone." I wiggled my eyebrows and she went a deep shade of crimson. We both laughed and said our final goodbyes before I joined my family in the car.

The ride was silent, with all my brothers trying to squeeze themselves next to me. They all stared at me in awe and it was getting a bit creepy if I was being honest. We had been driving for 20 minutes now and still had quite a while to go before we arrived at the airport so I decided to start up a conversation seen as the others were most definitely not going to.

"So what are all your names, all I've got is that you're 'serious' brother, 'motherly' brother, 'angry' brother and 'shy' brother." I pointed at each of them as I talked. My father laughed as 'angry' scowled.

"Yes, I'm sorry bambina, we should have told you our names well my name's Alfonso, i am the oldest Ferrari sibling I'm 24, and 'motherly' as you put it over there is Matteo. He's the second oldest and 22 years old. Then there's the twins. Damon over there, don't mind him he's always moody and Elias, they're both 18."

I listened closely as he explained. For some reason, I never remembered my family or life before I was sent away. All the trauma from my past caused me to lose hope and eventually forget them, or at least that's what I think. I get flashbacks and memories of them sometimes but I still never knew who they were or why they appeared in my dreams but what I did recall, was that some of the best times of my life were with them.

I have an exceptionally brilliant memory and can recall nearly every detail of my past that formed me into the woman I am today, so it confused me why I didn't remember my family.

I brushed it off and continued listening. "The man at the front is our father he's called Georgio, but we call him dad." Elias explained next to me. I gave him a nod and we went back to a comfortable silence and the boys staring at me again.




I sat myself in the private jet looking at everything around me. My family was rich. This was not new information for me as I knew what my family did for a living. They were feared in the underworld and were well known. I actually have worked with them for business, only they don't show their faces often, and I don't show mine either. I only realised who they were when they told me their names.

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