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Alexandra's POV

My instincts kicked in and I was going to get ready to fight the idiots who dared put their hands on me.

Until I saw their faces and recognised them to be the two boys and the girl that were at the dining table with my family. I quickly composed myself and they stepped back to examine me.

I put my guard up and took a step forward forcing each of them to take another step back.

The girl looked me up and down and give me a huge smile. She looked to be about my age with beautiful mid length not too short not too long raven coloured hair with blue highlights. It honestly looked beautiful. She had bright blue eyes and was shorter than me and stood at what looked to be around 5'4. She smiled flashing her straight pearly white teeth.

The two boys however looked at me confused. Hey I don't blame them, I would be too if I found out Lincoln was supposedly marrying someone as hot as me too.

Like I always say if you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life.

Ok I didn't say that. I would like to thank Marcus Garvey for coming up with that quote.

Moving on, the two boys in front of me were tall. Like freakishly tall. You could mistake them for trees if you weren't careful. Okay I may be over exaggerating but you get the idea.

The boys were tall and had the same shade of dark black in their hair as the girl. One looked cute and shy with glasses framing his gorgous blue eyes identical to the girls. He smiled at me shyly and honestly he looked adorable.

Most protec at all cost.

The other boy however had a dangerous aura around him. Just by looking at him you could tell he was ripped. His sharp jawline looked like it could cut your finger. I couldn't help but linger at his stormy grey eyes that looked identical to...........Lincoln's?

Wait, what?

Are they related to Lincoln?

Come to think of it Lincoln did say he had siblings. Could they-

"Hey Girly, my name's Lucy, these are my brothers, the one with the glasses is Logan and the other one is Luka. We're triplets and Lincoln's brothers and sister. Girl you are so pretty! I can see why Lincoln likes you."

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from bursting out laughing. This girl actually seemed really nice but did she actually believe me when I said I was marrying Lincoln?!

I mean Lincoln of all people. God that would be a case. He's older than my oldest brother for crying out loud.

I need to find an excuse and leave to save Lincs ass before I beat it myself for not telling me who his siblings were before.

I started to slowly make my way to the door still looking at all three of their confused faces.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you all. Theres no point beating around the bush, me and Lincoln actually aren't getting married SUPRISE. It was a prank but now I fear that your brother might be dead. Sooo I've never been in this situation but wanna go check with me."

They didn't move and stared at me in shock before Lucy violently nodded her head and followed me out the door.

Ayy she as psycho as I am. This my new bestie here I feel it.

I don't think she kills people for a living.

Yh but she crazy.

Not gonna even bother arguing with your stupid self.

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