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All translations are from a translator app and may not be 100% accurate at times. If you see something that is incorrectly translated then feel free to critique respectfully thank you. :)

Alexandra POV

I was forcefully grabbed from Luka's grasp and my back against a man who had his gun pressed to the side of my head.

"Mam cię teraz maleńka. Nie ma dokąd uciekać, nie ma gdzie się schować. Szef ucieszy się, gdy wrócisz." He whispered in my ear. Translation: (I've got you now little one. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. The Boss will be happy to see you back.)

My blood ran cold. The Boss was alive.

No that was impossible.

He should have died that day. There was no way he was still alive.

"To niemożliwe. Kłamiesz. Nie ma mowy, żeby Boss-Man wciąż żył, umarł tego dnia w ogniu." I whispered back. My voice cold hiding the fear that travelled through me at the thought of him still being alive.(That's impossible. You're lying. There is no way Boss man can still be alive he died that day in the fire.)

He chuckled slightly before whispering talking again. "Jaki naiwny mały. Ze wszystkich ludzi powinieneś wiedzieć, że Boss-mana nie da się zatrzymać, a z tobą u boku znów będzie numerem jeden. Polska mafia odzyska swoje miejsce na pierwszym miejscu, a mur Włochów, Anglików i Rosjan upadnie. Zostanę nagrodzony i chwalony. Będę jego zastępcą, kiedy cię do niego zabiorę i nie mogę się doczekać." (How naïve little one. You of all people should know that Boss man cannot be stopped and with you back at his side he will be number one again. The polish mafia will reclaim it's spot at number one and the Italians, English and Russians will fall. I will be awarded and praised. I will be his second in command when I take you to him and I can't wait.)

It was now my turn to laugh at his stupidity.

I mean does he really think he can take me of all people an assasin to his boss. That and he's in a house with the Italian and English mafia.

He's doomed.

And besides he's stupid as fuck so I doubt Boss man will make him his second in command.

Who tells someone who they're trying to take down and who comes alone.

This guy underestimated me and that would be his downfall.

Before I could react or say anything more to him a pair of hands grabbed me and another tackled the man to the floor.

I was in Luka's arms and Alfonso was having fun beating up the Polish scum who was now bruised with blood trickling down his mouth and nose.

I could have done that myself but you do you I guess.

The man started chewing something and I knew what it was instantly. It was a pill that Boss man made all the guards carry that contained a special type of poison, so that if they were ever captured they could chew it and die without spilling any of his secrets.

Only the lower members had this pill and last I heard of them all the pills had been destroyed in the fire and only Boss man himself and a few other trusted members including myself knew how to recreate them.

He really was alive.

I won't be for much longer if he is.

"Hey, Lex look at me Lex are you okay? Lex can you hear me?" I turned to Luka who looked concerned. I must have zoned out. Oops.

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