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"Hey, is Kira okay?" Stiles asks as Scott bursts into his house.

"Scott?" Theo asks as Faline follows him, shooting glances at Malia and the two boys.


"I need to find out what he knows"

"It's a process," Faline says. "He's reading the book now"

"Sorry, I'm only on chapter two. I'm kind of a slow reader" Corey says.

"Oh, that's okay, Corey," Mason says.

"He's right. We don't have time for that, anyway"

"No, Scott-- Don't!" Faline says but Scott sinks his claws into Corey's neck.

Mason steps forward but Faline grabs his arm.

"He's hurting him," Mason says and Faline grips his hand.

"I know but you pull them apart-" Faline says. "You could kill them both. Minds are a delicate thing and invading another's mind, that uses both of their brains to almost maximum endurance and you shut that down before they're ready then it could be fatal"

Mason nods, squeezing Faline's hand tighter.

"So" Faline hums. "You got a little crush or something?"

Mason blushes and nudges her and she just winks at him.

"I'm not gonna tell anyone," Faline says.

Stiles, Theo, and Malia burst in but Faline quickly speaks up.

"Stop!" She says and they all skid to a halt, taking in the scene in front of them.

"What is he doing?" Theo asks.

"Tapping into Corey's memories," Faline says. "It's usually something only alphas do"

"Is it as dangerous as it looks?"

"Probably more," Stiles says.

"Do we even know if it's working?" Mason asks.

"Faline can try," Lydia says and the girl nods, letting go of Mason's hand before reaching out and touching Scott's arm and her eyes roll back.

Corey was being dragged through the hospital by the dread doctors but then the memory switches to a room full of pipes and lights. Corey begins to thrash and scream as they drag him to the surgery table, his feet dragging on the floor in a desperate attempt to escape the doctors' grasps. They turn to see a creature in a tank full of water and its eyes shoot open.

They are cast out of the memory as Corey lets out a scream, Scott stumbles back into Theo as Stiles catches his girlfriend.

"You okay?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah, I'm okay" Faline nods.

"You've got a nosebleed"

"Is he okay?" Scott asks.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Corey shouts.

"You'll be alright," Scott says.

"There's blood"

"You'll heal"

"Here" Theo hands Faline a tissue and Stiles takes it and begins to wipe at the blood on her face.

"Scott that was reckless-" Faline says.

"He'll be fine!" Scott snaps. "Listen, I think it worked. I saw something. There were tunnels, pipes along the walls. There were these two huge blue pipes at the entrance. Two on both sides"

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