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A young Faline is running with Derek as hunters chase after them. The pair had been firefly hunting in the woods as Derek had wanted to take her mind off of her mother's death when they had heard the shouting and they had turned to see an Argent hunting party making their way through the woods.

"Come on," Derek says to the eight-year-old. "Keep going"

"I don't know if I can," Faline says, stumbling to a halt. "My legs are only little"

"We have to keep going or else they'll catch us okay?" Derek says, tucking her hair behind her ear, and Faline nods and Derek presses a kiss to her head.

Faline whimpers as she hears the hunter shouting in the distance as Derek clutches his ears tightly.

"Derek, come on" Faline shakes his shoulders and the boy stumbles to his feet.

Derek, Faline, and another teenager yelp in shock as they collide.

"You're a Hale aren't you?" The other werewolf asks.

Faline screams when an arrow shoots through the boy's throat. Derek places Faline behind him and she clings to the back of his shirt, closing her eyes as a hunter walks up with his crossbow raised. Peter appears out of nowhere and catches the arrow.

"Come on" He whispers.

Both of the Hale boys grab Faline's hands and they begin to run.

"I know where to go," Peter says, pulling the two younger children into an abandoned basement.

They all duck into the basement and Peter holds Faline close to him, wrapping his jacket around her.

"We were there for two days," Faline says. "Waiting, hiding"

"That's what we were taught to do when the hunters find us," Cora says. "Hide and heal

"Okay so is two-day standard then?" Stiles asks. "Or are we thinking Derek might be on an extended getaway?"

"Why do you care?" Cora asks.

"Why do I care?" Stiles asks. "Let's see, because, over the last few weeks, my best friend and my girlfriend both tried to kill themselves, Scott's boss nearly got sacrificed in a ritual, a girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed. Boyd was killed by the Alphas. You want me to keep going? Cause I can. alright? For like an hour"

"You think Derek can do anything about that?" Cora asks.

"Well since he's the one that everyone seems to be after, it's more like he should do something about it

"I don't know," Cora says. "There's something different about him. He wasn't like this when I knew him"

"What was he like?" Stiles asks.

"He was fun, loving" Faline says but is cut off by Peter.

"A lot like Scott actually," Peter says. "A lot like most teenagers. Unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic-"

"Looks like you mentally remained a teenager then, huh?" Faline says and Peter gives her a sarcastic smirk before continuing.

"Tolerable really only to other teenagers and little Faline," Peter says and Faline rolled her eyes.

"So what happened?" Stiles asks. "What changed him?"

"What changes all teenagers," Faline says. "A girl"

"But this wasn't just any girl was it?" Peter asks.

"No" Faline sighs. "It was my older sister, Paige"

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