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"You didn't have to come you know," Faline says to the two Mikaelson men.

"Faline whenever you need us we'll be here," Kol says.

"Faline?" Stiles shouts and bursts into the living room, quickly kissing her. "You're safe thank god, you need to come with me to Deaton's."

"What's going on?" Faline asks.

"Brett, he's dying," Stiles says.

"But you healed him, Klaus," Faline says and Stiles jumps noticing the two men in the room.

"He was poisoned with wolfsbane," Stiles says. "A rare and powerful one. It's heading for his heart"

"Let's go" Faline stands up.

"We didn't save you for you to leave again," Klaus says.

"Klaus, he's a child," Faline says. "A boy. Who's going to die if I don't help him"

"Come on Nik," Kol says. "Let's go with her. Then we know she's safe"

"Let's go," Klaus says.

Klaus grabs Stiles and blurs away. Kol scoops up Faline and follows.

"In here" Deaton shouts. "You can come in"

Faline bursts into the room.

"You need to hold him down," Deaton says.

Faline, Derek, and Stiles hold Brett's shoulders down and Kol holds his feet down. Brett seizes up and yellow liquid sprays out of his mouth.

"What is wrong with this kid?" Stiles asks.

"He's been poisoned with a very rare form of wolfsbane," Deaton says. "I need to make an incision so hold him still as possible"

"Derek how about a little werewolf strength?" Stiles asks.

Klaus walks over and holds Brett's shoulders still.

"Easy," Klaus says.

"Not everyone has super, super strength," Faline says.

Deaton makes the incision and yellow smoke leaves Brett's chest.

"Thank god for that" Faline sighs. "Is he okay?"

"I think he'll be fine," Deaton says. "He'll probably be out for a while"

"What's he saying?" Stiles asks.

"Three things cannot long be hidden," Faline says. "The sun, the moon, the truth. It's Buddhist."

"It's Satomi," Klaus says.

"Klaus you go with Derek," Faline says. "Stiles we need to make a plan of action in talking to Jordan and Kol you can do whatever"

"Will Lydia be there?" Kol asks.

"Yes," Faline says.

"I'll come with you," Kol says.

The next day they walk into the station.

"Your dad should be back within the hour," Jordan says to Stiles. "You wanna wait in his office?"

"Actually we're here to talk to you," Faline says.

"Privately," Lydia says.

In the Sheriff's office, they show Jordan the dead pool.

"This is a hit list?" Jordan asks.

"We call it a dead pool," Stiles says.

"Recognise any of the names?" Kol asks.

"Yeah the sheriff had me run a bunch of these through the system last night but we couldn't find any of them," Jordan says.

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