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In Scott's bedroom, Scott and Liam are trying to use their combined Werewolf strength to shut Scott's suitcase as he packs up to go to the University of California - Davis. Faline was sat watching the events unfold in front of her in amusement, her feet were propped up on Scott's desk as she watches the two trying to pack.

"Whatever happened with those wolves is definitely supernatural"

Scott groans from exertion as he and Liam continue to try to push down the suitcase latch to close it.

"Well, I wouldn't say definitely... It could have been a parasitic infection. I mean, we get dogs coming into the clinic with botflies coming out of their skin"

"Can that happen to people?"

"Yes," Faline pipes up, not looking up from texting Stiles. "They crawl under their skin, lay some eggs and eventually they-"

As soon as the boys lay the suitcase on the bed, it bursts open, causing Scott's clothes to spring out of it, much to Scott and Liam's frustration.

"Burst" Faline says.

The two sit down next to each other on Scott's bed, with Liam anxiously running his fingers through his hair. After a moment of awkward silence, Scott looks at Liam and brings up their lacrosse practice earlier.

"So, you wanna talk about it?" Scott asks and Faline turns her phone off, sliding it into her pocket.

Liam gives Scott a confused look as Faline sits up.

"I thought we were talking about it-"

"No, that's not what I'm talking about"

Liam, realizing where Scott is going with this, looks overwhelmed.

"Oh. That. Me" Liam chuckles anxiously.

"Yeah, you-- your fangs, your eyes, the growl-"

"It's not like we've gotta talk about this-"

"You just need to remember your mantra- What three things cannot long be hidden?"

Liam gives Scott an embarrassed look before looking to Faline for help but just gets a shrug in response.

"Look, I haven't had to use that in-"

Scott, not wanting Liam to try to talk himself out of the conversation, cuts him off and repeats himself.

"What three things cannot long be hidden?"

Liam sighs impatiently before doing as he is asked.

"The sun, the moon, the truth."

"Again," Faline says.

Liam takes a deep breath and closes his eyes before repeating the mantra.

"The sun... The moon... The truth..."

"Better" Scott says.

Liam, eager to change the subject, looks back at the busted suitcase behind them and makes a face.

"You don't have another suitcase, do you?"

Scott turns and reaches for something under his bed before pulling it out. It's the roll of duct tape that Stiles gave him, which makes Scott smile.

"I got duct tape"

Scott tosses the roll to Liam, who catches it and makes an amused face before shrugging. Faline just sighs, having had enough of the pair and she gets to her feet.

"Out of the way losers," Faline says, waving her hand and the boys watch in amazement as the suitcase rearranges itself and it closes, the latches sounding with a definitive click.

"You're brilliant," Liam says.

"And you're both morons," Faline says.

Faline stands in the living room of her house, the tenants having moved out. it was her house again.

The house was still Faline's, having been left to her by her father in his will. She hadn't stepped foot in the house since she moved her stuff to the Stilinski household.

Everything was the same but different at the same time. The decorating hadn't changed but there were no pictures on the walls, no notes on the fridge and no Harry Potter memorabilia scattered around the house.

Faline ducks when a bullet flies through the window of the living room. She shrieks in shock as she drops to the floor and quickly crawls away from the window as more fire through. She grabs her phone and blocks it with shaky fingers.


"Why the hell has someone just shot my front window out?" Faline snaps into the phone.

"Someone just shot your front window?"

"Yes" Faline says, crawling to the stairs before running up them. "I don't know if it was an accident or not but get your ass over here asap please"

Faline peers out of her bedroom window which overlooks the street and she spots a slim figure slipping away into the night just as Scott's bike pulls up.

Scott opens the front door and Faline runs down the stairs and jumps into her best friend's arms.

Faline finishes packing her bags when she feels a presence behind her and she turns to face an unfamiliar man.

"Who are you?" Faline asks.

"You know what I am"

"A hellhound," Faline says.

"You let it out," The hellhound says to her, his throat coming up to wrap around her throat. "It was supposed to stay with the hunt forever"

The hellhound seizes up as Faline's eyes glow.

"Keep your hands off me," Faline says, rubbing her throat and she watches as the man leaves as if nothing had happened.

Scott has just loaded his suitcase into the back of Stiles' Jeep and is getting ready to leave for UC Davis. After he closes the trunk, he gets into the front seat of the Jeep, where he finds his assistant coach whistle hanging from the rear-view mirror. When he closes the door and prepares to drive off, the entire overhead flip-down mirror falls into Scott's lap, where he finds a note taped to the flap that reads "BE GENTLE" in Stiles' handwriting. Scott smiles nostalgically before putting the keys in the ignition and attempting to start the Jeep; however, as usual, the Jeep does not cooperate and instead just sputters and flickers.

"Aw, come on!"

Scott, alarmed, tries once again to get the engine started, but when it does finally turn over, he's startled by the sight of Lydia and Faline standing in front of the Jeep clearly having just claimed out of Faline's Camaro, looking overwhelmed as the headlights illuminate their faces.

"We can't leave," Faline says.

"We can't leave," Faline says

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