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"Back to your seat" Coach blows his whistle.

Faline was squashed between Scott and Stiles on the back seat. Stiles was testing Scott as Faline reads the stack of grimoires she had bought with her that were glamoured as textbooks.

"Hey, yo, Scotty?" Stiles says. "Still with me?"

"Yeah, sorry. What's the word?"

"Anachronism" Stiles says.

"Something that exists out of its normal time"

"Nice. Next word, incongruous"

"Can you use it in a sentence?"

"Yes, yes I can," Stiles says. "It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now on our way to some stupid cross country meet after what happened, incongruous"

"Out of place, ridiculous, absurd" Scott says.

"Perfect, okay, next word. Um, Darach. Darach, it's a noun" Stiles says. "We have to talk about it sometime, okay? We're going to be stuck in this thing for like five hours so why not? Next word, intransigent"

"Stubborn, obstinate" Scott says.

The bus rattles and Scott groans causing Faline to look up.

"Oh, buddy, you okay?" Stiles asks. "We shouldn't have come. I knew it. We shouldn't have come"

"We had to," Scott says. "There's safety in numbers"

"Yeah well there's also death in numbers," Stiles says.

"It's called a massacre," Faline says.

"Or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery, wow, that's-" Stiles is cut off by Scott groaning. "Alright, Scott, I'm telling Coach that-"

"No, no, no, no," Scott says. "I'm alright"

"You don't look alright," Faline says.

"Would you just let me see it?" Stiles asks.

"I'm okay"

"Just let me see it okay?"

Scott rolls up his shirt to reveal claw marks.

"Asinta mulaf hinto, sho bala" Faline whispers, holding Scott's hand tightly and he exhales slightly.

"I know it's bad but it's because they're from an Alpha," Scott says. "It takes longer to heal"

"Can't you heal it?" Stiles asks his girlfriend.

"I've not fully mastered the art of healing, minor wounds yes, wounds like that no, and I doubt Scott wants to be my test bunny"

"I'll pass," Scott says.

"How come Boyd and Isaac are fine?" Stiles asks.

"I can't believe he's dead," Scott says. "I can't believe Derek's dead"

Faline throws Kali to the floor with her mind before turning to Deucalion. Faline begins fighting with Deucalion, both of them grunting as they hit each other. Deucalion grabs Faline and presses his claws into her neck, small droplets of blood running down her fingers.

"You know my dear," Deucalion says. "Your blood doesn't smell of metal, it smells of flowers"

"LET HER GO" Derek roars, his eyes glowing red.

Faline is taken out of her mind by the Coach's whistle.

"The two of you back to your seats. Jared, again, car sick? Every- How do you even get on the bus? Look at me, no don't look at me. Look at the horizon. Keep your eyes on the horizon. McCall not you too"

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