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Faline blinks and finds herself stood in the high school parking lot in her pajamas. Faline finds her phone in her hoodie pocket and dials Allison's number.

"Hey," Allison says down the phone.

"Allison," Faline says. "I'm at the high school"

"Why are you there?"

"I don't know," Faline says. "I woke up here"

Allison pulls up to see her friend barefoot in one of Stiles' hoodies and a pair of Nike pro shorts. Lydia climbs out of the car and rushes over to her.

"Where is she?" Stiles asks when his jeep peels into the parking lot.

"Over here," Lydia says.

"Faline?" Stiles says.

"I don't know how I ended up here," Faline says. "I was asleep, I opened my eyes and I'm here. I called Allison but I think someone might have died"

"You found a dead body?"

"Not yet"

"'Not yet'? What do you mean 'not yet'?" Stiles asks.

"I'm sick of finding dead bodies," Faline says. "Especially alone. But I think I know who the victim was. A witch from my coven"

"Guys" Scott calls. "I found the dead body"

Faline turns to spot Tara, a sheriff's deputy and a witch from her coven lay dead on the sign for the school. Faline clamps a hand to her mouth in horror. Blood was splattered down the sign and Tara's eyes were wide open, staring at Faline.

Faline stands in front of her coven once again, calling an emergency meeting.

"As you all know" Faline calls. "Tonight there was another sacrifice but this time it was one of our own who died. Tara Graeme was a loyal witch and her death will not go unjustified. Tara was a mother to a son and we shall take that child in and care for him as if he were our child, do you understand me?"

"Yes, regent" They all call.

"Now," Faline says. "Tara will be avenged and it's up to us to get it. But tonight is a time for mourning, a celebration of a life cut short. To Tara"

The next morning Faline and Stiles are spying on Sheriff Stilinski and he spots them.

"Excuse me"

Faline and Stiles duck behind the pillar before beginning to walk with their head down.

"Hey! Hay, hey, hey" Mr. Stilinski calls. "Back it up. I know what you're thinking. I know you've got all these ideas about patterns and people dying in threes-"

"Dad, murdered okay?" Stiles says. "Sacrificed actually"

"My mother used to study occult practices," Faline says.

"I've got half the state, including the FBI, coming in on this," Mr. Stilinski says. "They're not getting away with killing one of our own"

"Dad they killed Tara," Stiles says. "You know, how many times did she help me with my math homework when I had to wait at the station for you?"

"Just get to class, okay?" Mr. Stilinski says. "Okay?"

Faline takes Stiles' hand into her own and squeezes it.

They are sat in English class as Miss Blake talks.

"Idioms, analogies, metaphors, and similies," Miss Blake says. "All tools the writer uses to tell their story. Lydia, I wasn't aware you had so many hidden talents"

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