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Faline climbs into the passenger seat of Stiles' jeep and Stiles reverses and they begin to drive before an extremely pale Derek steps in front of the vehicle and holds up a hand.

"Oh my god," Stiles says. "You've got to be kidding me this guy's everywhere"

Faline jumps out of the jeep and quickly rushes to Derek's side as he collapses onto the floor of the parking lot.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asks.

"I was shot," Derek says.

"He's not looking so good dude," Stiles says.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asks.

"I can't," Derek says. "It was a different kind of bullet"

"A silver bullet?" Stiles asks and Faline snickers.

"No, you idiot," Derek says.

"That's what she meant when she said you had forty-eight hours," Scott says.

"What? Who said forty-eight hours?" Derek asks.

"The one who shot you," Scott says and Derek's eyes begin to flash. "What are you doing? Stop that"

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. I can't" Derek says.

"You need to get up," Faline says.

Faline reaches her hand out which had a slight green hue to it, she pulls Derek to his feet with ease.

"Help us put him in your car," Scott says.

"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used," Derek says.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"She's an Argent," Derek says. "She's with them"

"Perfect" Faline says. "Post fuck you can go bullet hunting together"

Scott's eyes go wide and his face goes red at Faline's blunt and crude wording.

"Why should I help you?" Scott asks.

"Because you need me," Derek says.

"Fine, I'll try," Scott says as Faline climbs into the backseat. "Get him out of here"

"I hate you for this so much," Stiles says before beginning to drive.

Stiles texts Scott and clearly wasn't happy with the response.

"Try not to bleed out in my seats, okay?" Stiles says. "We're almost there"

"Almost where?" Derek asks.

"Your house," Stiles says.

"What?" Derek asks. "No, you can't take me there"

"I can't take you to your own house?" Stiles asks in disbelief.

"Not when I can't protect myself," Derek says.

Stiles pulls over with a huff.

"What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hmm?" Stiles asks. "Are you dying?"

"Not yet," Derek says. "I have a last resort"

"I do not like the sound of that" Faline says.

"What do you mean? What last resort?" Stiles asks and Derek pulls up his sleeve. "Oh my god! What is that? Uh, is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out"

"Start the car. Now"

"I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look," Stiles says. "In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead"

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