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Faline is sats on Allison's bed as the three girls all laugh at something Lydia had said. A knock on the door causes them all to look up.

"Headed out?" Mr. Argent asks.

"Studying," Allison says.

Allison walks over to her dad as Faline moves next to Lydia.

"Selfies," Lydia says, and Faline giggles.

The two girls begin making silly faces at the phone.

"You know," Mr. Argent says. "Your mother doesn't like Faline being under her roof"

"After she saved you and me," Allison says. "I think mom should be nicer. And you"

"I like her," Mr. Argent says. "She's a nice girl. But with Gerard around you need to be very careful"

"We will dad," Allison says, giggling as Faline goes cross-eyed as Lydia kisses her cheek. "See? She's just like any other teenager"

Faline, Allison, and Lydia arrive at the ice rink and Allison greets Scott with a kiss and Stiles grins at Faline who smiles back.

Stiles grabs Faline a pair of skates.

"Could it be any colder in here?" Faline mutters.

"Here" Stiles holds out a jacket.

"She's wearing blue," Lydia says. "Orange and blue, not a good combination"

"It's the colours of the Mets," Faline says.

"Exactly," Stiles says and Lydia just glares.

Stiles pulls out a pack of Reese's cups and Faline grins.

"Okay um," Stiles says. "Maybe orange and blue are not the best. But you know Faye, sometimes there's other things you wouldn't think would be a good combination end up turning out to be, like, a perfect combination you know. Like two people together who nobody ever thought would be together ever"

"I can see that," Faline says.

"You can?"

"Yeah. I mean Scott and Allison are really cute together"

"Ah yeah them," Stiles says.

"Now," Faline says. "Are we going to sit here talking or are we going to skate?"

Faline steps on the ice, holding out her hands for Stiles to take which he does.

"Isn't this fun?" Faline asks.

"Oh yeah I'm loving-" Stiles is cut off by falling to the floor.

"Oh my god" Faline giggles. "Are you okay?"

"Just a tad rusty," Stiles says.

"When was the last time you skated?" Faline asks.

"At a party when I was like six," Stiles says.

"Do you want me to get you a walker?" Faline asks, pointing at the small frames in the corner of the room.

"No," Stiles says.

Faline begins to help him to his feet and Stiles grapples her shoulders.

"Are you okay?"

"Yep," Stiles says.

Faline bursts out laughing when Scott collided with the glass at the edge of the rink.

"Do you wanna stop?" Faline asks Stiles.

"No we're here to have fun-" Stiles is cut off by colliding with the ice once again.

"Alright," Faline says. "I have a better idea"

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