Chapter 2

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I did what I had to do, took care of his wound and left him near the fireplace. He was awake long enough for me to tell him that he needed to be gone by morning, but he didn't reply before he passed out again.

That was last night.

When the sun came up, I awoke refreshed and ready to spend my day alone and at ease. If that kid knows what's good for him, he'd be gone. I left some money near his sleeping form so I'll assume he took it and was currently out of my house and my life, on his way-

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked, outraged at the sight of him, Evander, sitting crosslegged on my couch casually eating a bowl of cereal watching television. He didn't answer me, he only gave me a nod and continued to eat in peace as if he belonged here. His wounds clearly healed throughout the night, leaving a scar in its wake.

"No. No, no, no, no, no," I pulled the bowl out of his hands, gripping his upper arm to pull him off my furniture only to find my hand was growing weak, turning old and wrinkly. I wretched myself away from him, wanting to punch him in his annoying little face for using his powers on me. A damn aeteri, I knew this little brat wasn't human.

He only smirked, continuing to eat.

"You need to leave," I ordered him, making my voice as dark and scary as possible but he shook his head.

"I can't. I have to be here." He told me simply. His answer was clear, spoken as if he had orders to follow, which is probably the case but it still answers nothing.

"Says who?" I question.

"Xenna," He said, his eyes never leaving my TV. My TV, my bowl, my food.

"That little future seeing bitch." I muttered. Evander glared at me when I said that but continued eating anyway.

Xenna is an aeteri who can see the future, she helped me get free, but that doesn't mean shit to me anymore. I left that life behind, I sought a better future for myself, a future that didn't include this child sitting in my home like he owned the place.

"Well, Xenna has no control over my life. She can't just drop some kid here and expect me to what, mother you? Take care of you? You are not my problem, kid. I have a life to live that doesn't include my past." I tell him, my fists clenching at my sides in anger.

"She said you'd say that." He said, finishing his bowl of cereal, drinking the milk that remained. "Kind of ironic really."


"You need to leave, now, before I turn to ways that will make you leave," I say. I swore I'd never use my powers again, but that was under the assumption I wouldn't have to deal with my kind.

"She said you'd say that too," He got up, coming close to me, his dark eyes daring me to make good on my words. "Well?"

I might be changed, different and irritated, but at the end of the day, this is a child, nothing more. I won't harm an innocent and she knew that which is probably why she sent him of all people, for what, I'm going to find that out.

"That, bitch."

"Stop calling her that. She is very wise and knows what she is doing. Soon, the time will come when we will leave, you will find what's missing." He said, stepping around me making his way to the open kitchen, washing his used dishes.


I laughed. I actually laughed in this kid's face and palmed my forehead not believing this was happening. The unfortunate and annoying thing about Xenna is that things always work out the way she wants, clearly.

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