Chapter 4

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I was finally left alone once all my things arrived at Sterling's house. It took them a few hours to bring me what I asked for but it all got here in one piece thankfully. I am now laying in my own bed, surrounded my own things. The only thing that isn't mine is the room I use and the roof over my head but it's fine, for now.

Sterling was very annoyed with me at this point that he hasn't talked to me since everything was brought over which is exactly what I was aiming for. I smirked as I ate the food his men brought me that I paid for while watching my TV. I'll have to have them head back out with some money so they can purchase groceries for me to stock up on.

I'm trying my hardest not to let whereabouts get to me. Sterling said I'm not a prisoner, that I am free to leave, that is once I can be trusted. So it's simple. I gain his trust, live normally again, and make sure I come back here at the end of the day and when the time is right, one day I will leave to go to 'work' and never return. Easy.

A knock at the door sounded and I rolled my eyes. "Don't come in." The door opened anyway and on the other side stood an upset Evander wearing a grimace, trying to look tough. "Beat it kid, this show is getting good."

He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame, waiting for something.

"What?" I snapped.

"Aren't you going to apologize to me?" He asked.

I snorted, taking another bite of my food, "That would be a no. Now leave."

Instead, he came into my room, hopping up at the end of my bed crossing his legs while he gave me a patient look. "Apologize."

"For what?"

"For being mean to me." He said in an obvious tone. "I didn't appreciate what you said to me. It hurt my feelings." He said, playing with the fabric of his jeans.

"Okay? And?" Is this kid on crack?

He raised his eyebrows, waiting for the words. I sighed, placing my food on my nightstand, scooting closer to him, crossing my legs as well.

"Look, kid-"

"Evander. Stop calling me kid, my name is Evander." He tells me grumpily.

"Evander, listen, I am not a nice person. I will not apologize for what I said. I only said it because it wasn't right what you did to me." I say.

"What I did, was follow Xenna's orders and brought to you your mate. He will lead you to your happy ending." He said, leaning closer staring at me intensely.

I swear I almost vomited when he said that, "Uh, right. Anyway, you can't be so sensitive. People will say things to you in life that you might not like, so you need to get over it."

"You sound like the director." He tells me, furrowing his eyebrows. That made me angry.

"I'm nothing like that man." I gritted out.

Evander shrugged, "Could've fooled me."

"Look who is being mean now," I respond.

"People will say things to you in life that you might not like, so you need to get over it." He tried to mimic my voice but only sounded like a chipmunk with his underdeveloped child voice.

"I don't even sound like that." He shrugged again. "You know what, how about, instead of trying to help me with my future, you worry about your own. So, you know what you should do? Go out there, find yourself some wolfy mate, settle down, have some babies, and then you can have your happy ending." I tell him, feigning excitement to try and encourage him to listen.

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