Chapter 19

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At Charm's words, Sterling gasped. I seemed to come back to reality at that moment, remembering him and that he is my mate. I felt his pain and disbelief through the bond, but I knew this would break him.

It's taking so much to fall in love with him, but it took only minutes to fall in love with Charm.

"Mommy?" I wasn't used to being called that, I didn't think I'd like the sound so much.


"Who's that?" She asked, looking up at Sterling.

I took a deep breath before standing, facing my mate. This was a twist I never saw coming, I didn't expect it, it just happened. When my eyes landed on Sterling's face, he was confused, hurt, pained and so many more emotions I couldn't quite place.

"Sterling," I whispered, taking his hand before he had the chance to retreat. I needed to explain, and fast, but not with Charm here.

Sharon got the hint, coming up to us, taking Charm's hand in hers. Charm was confused and heartbroken but I crouched back down, pulling her small body to mine.

"I'll see you later, okay? I have to do something." I tell her. She sighed but nodded anyway. I watched in longing as she walked away from me, turning the corner and disappearing.

"You have a daughter?" Sterling growled from behind me.

I turned back around, watching as he tried to keep his wolf at bay. Normally, I'd get defensive or try to push him away some more, but not now. Something in me quite literally clicked when I remembered Charm, the hostile part of me melting away completely. That's not who I am, that's what they made me be.

"I just remembered today, with Karina. I didn't know either, but now everything makes sense." I tell him, moving closer, glad he didn't move away.

"How?" He gritted out, struggling to keep it together.

"Artificial insemination. It was a way to make more of us, to end the supernatural, two years before we were saved." I tell him.

He frowned, "Two years?"

I nodded, "He injected all the babies born with something that accelerated their growth. They erased us so we didn't know that they were ours. It's why I was so protective over children, why I'm so drawn to them."

He shook his head, placing his hand on top of his head while pacing, "I don't understand. I thought you got your memories back after you were freed."

"I did, but not remembering her, that was all me. I didn't let myself remember, I forced those memories in the back of my mind. Her birth, her being ripped from my arms, everything. It was too painful." I said, looking away in shame.

"I just. . . " He let out a long breath, shaking his head. "I just can't believe this."

I know he's angry, and he's hurting but I don't regret finding Charm, I'll never regret her. She was born in the most horrible circumstances but she is an innocent child, it wasn't her choice. I understand if he doesn't want to make us work anymore, I'd even understand if he wants nothing to do with me ever again. It will hurt, a lot, but I'd get it.

I bit my lip, waiting for him to say something else, even waiting for him to lash out or yell at me, but he did neither. He stopped pacing, looking at me with a straight face, which made me shift on my feet. I didn't know what he was thinking, I couldn't even feel his emotions so I'll assume he has already cut me off and is going to tell me that we can't be mates anymore.

What he does next, astounds me.

He walked right up to me like a man on a mission, bent down, and kissed me. I was shocked but responded anyway. He pulled me close to him and I did the same, despite my confusion. After a few seconds, he pulled away, staring down at me.

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