Chapter 12

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It took a lot of time, a lot of days, a lot of thought.

I went through with it, agreeing to the proposal of heading to the place full of the aeteri. Sterling was ecstatic of course, preparing our trip day in and day out, getting a hold of Athena herself to arrange our trip. She wanted to speak to me over the phone but I wouldn't allow it, I couldn't. I was nervous that if I heard her voice after all this time, that I'd get cold feet and after all the trouble Sterling went through to make this possible, I couldn't do that to him.

Every day I see him around the house and I remember our last kiss, how it made me feel. I know he wanted more but was holding back for my sake. He didn't want to push, I'm grateful for his respect. I have so much on my mind that any more touching and kissing would probably send me over the edge.

Unbeknownst to him, I have a half-plan for when I get to the sanctuary. I want to find out more about Xenna, possibly speak to others who have had interactions with her. Finding her so we can talk would be great because I have a lot I need to say to her. I have too many unanswered questions that I know she can answer.

A knock at my door pulled me out of my thoughts, I halted packing momentarily looking up at my mate who smiled down at me.

"Hi," I say, continuing to pack my things.

"Hey." He replied, not saying anything more, waiting for me to initiate a conversation which isn't exactly my strong suit.

"Um, can I help you?" I asked him.

"Just wanted to see how far along you are with packing, the cars are ready as is everyone who will be coming along." He tells me.

I nodded, biting my lip. He told me that bringing people along is a necessity, just in case things go south along the way. It seems that he trusts Athena because he talks to her like they are old friends, but then again, Athena, along with the Eversor have done so much for the wolves and aeteri alike. It seems as though they've had no trouble forgetting their pasts and moving on with their lives.

"I'm almost done," I say quietly, already feeling the pull of the bond from being so close to his body.

I paused my actions, looking up at him, taking in his appearance. He wore sweats, a fitted t-shirt, and some sneakers. A basic look, easy to shed if need be, but still looking very intimidating and dare I say handsome. Of course during my time here I've always noticed his attractiveness, but I never really took the time to appreciate it. Now I've never been one to be drawn to someone solely based on how they look, but Sterling's physique did help a lot in that area. Honestly, he is a very beautiful man.

Almond skin tone, hazel eyes, hair so black that it took on a sapphire hue, it's nothing I didn't notice when we first met, but it's as if I'm finally seeing his looks for the first time. It was never his appearance that made him approachable though, it was his kindness, his understanding, his gentleness, his physical appearance is a perk really.

All the wolves here are attractive I'll admit, but not like him. Then again, he is my mate.

I've also noticed the diversity within packs as well, another thing I like about them. I noticed it with the Ethereals as well. Wolves come in all colors, races, and ethnicities. It's a breath of fresh air I realize. In the human world there is diversity as well, but only in certain towns and cities. The town I lived in was occupied mostly by people with white skin so I fit right in, other than my boss and a few others around town, everyone was basic and bland it was like looking at replicas of people.

"You're nervous." He stated, sitting on the floor across from me, leaning in close with his eyes on nothing but me. That's another thing I've come to like about him. Though he can be overbearing, his attention is never distracted when it comes to me, it makes me feel special almost, even though I know I don't deserve it.

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