Chapter 28

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Bliss was the only word that is able to describe my life. It's a word I never used for it before, but there's a first time for everything.

So far, the plan we made is still waiting to be complete. It's been two months since everyone agreed with my proposal to accelerate the babies' growth, but in one week we will wait no longer. Shortly after we arrived back home, there was news that Athena finally gave birth to her daughter, Erin. As promised, we gave her time to spend with her baby before we head out to change her life forever.

We sent Amaya a sample of Charm's blood and she has already created the serum that made Charm what she is today. Amaya gave birth not long after Athena and made the choice of including her own child in the training, but I know she still has her doubts about the matter. She is still working long and hard to prepare the secret location that will be our children's safe haven when the time comes.

We will discuss everything further once we report to the S.F.S.B. All of us are going. Me, Rowan, Titania, and Xavier along with our children. There is so much we need to figure in regards to where, how, and when our kids will train. I was still so terrified about the whole thing, my child's life depends on what we decided but even then, I have absolutely no true control over the situation.

There was a knock at the door and I looked up at Sterling just in time to see him flash me a dazzling smile that I returned.


"Titania, Rowan, and Xavier already left for the facility. We need to get on the road, I want to beat them there." He told me.

I rolled my eyes, "If they already left we won't beat them. You're just rushing me."

"True," He smirked coming in to help me fold the rest of Charm's clothes that I'm packing for the trip. I wanted to do it alone really, while I thought about her life. All I can think about anymore is that damn note and what it means for her.


I ignored him, continuing to pack. His large hand halted my own and I was forced to look into his worried eyes.

"She'll be okay," He reassured. He doesn't know that, none of us do.

I didn't say anything, I just nodded absently. Once everything was in Charm's little pink suitcase, one of Sterling's men came in and whisked it away. I remained on my daughter's bed, pondering over her future death. It's going to drive me crazy for as long as I live, I just know it.

With a defeated sigh, Sterling stood up and pulled me with him so we can leave. These past few months truly have been blissful, aside from the nightmares and my constant worry, it was almost too perfect to even be real. Spending time with Charm and Sterling, getting to know them both is the most rewarding thing in the whole world, I love them endlessly and they know it.

"You two ready?" Tarana asked once we stepped outside holding Sharon's hand in her own. I smiled at their joined hands finding it endearing they are able to feel happy with one another after what they've both been through.

"Yes, is Charm-"

"She's already in the car," Sharon reassured me with a nod, frowning at me a bit. I know she's reading my mind, just as worried as I am about what's next but says nothing.

The car ride mainly consisted of small talk, snacks, and laughter from the kids but that was all. Sterling is concerned out of his mind for me but he knows that the fear I hold won't go away ever, it's constant torture. Though he can calm me through the bond, it won't do any good when it comes to our daughter.

When we arrived, it was nearly two days later but just as expected, the others arrived only minutes before us and we all left our vehicles simultaneously. Rowan seemed to have brought her entire clan with her, the kids, Alec, some people from her pack while Titania and Owen only brought their children, Alioth, Scarlett and a small girl that clung to Alioth's arm tightly that I will assume is his mate, the one I heard about, River.

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