forty one

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The next couple days just sort of went by. I spent all most all my tike working on the mural for Aiden's dad's hotel, and doing school work. I sort of tried to avoid Aiden, after admitting to myself that I actyally did like him, in a non-platonic way, I figured that it's best for me if I somehow figure out how the fuck I can stop.

I woke up the next morning in an extremely good mood.
I was super excited to go to the opening of Aiden's dad's hotel, which was today. First of all, a bunch of really cool artists would be there, and it would finally be a nice fun change, which I could really use. My mom told me she's be there as well, and well, she's almost never seen my art before, so this would be nice !

I hopped off my bed, freshen up, and headed for breakfast.
"Hi," I smiled, sitting myself down on the chair next to Scarlett.

"You look happy," she chuckled, to which I just flashed her a big smile.

"I'm so sorry I can't make it today," Scarlett frowned,

"No, no, don't worry about it," I smiled back. She was going to meet her dad, because he was in the city.

The others weren't coming either. They saw my painting an dhoond me up, which was more than I can ask for.

They asked me if I wanted them there, but quiet honestly, I don't think it would make much of a difference.

I didn't have any classes, so headed back to my room, and at about 11, Aiden came over to study for a bit.

"I'll pick you up at 6?" He asked before leaving, which weirdly caused a small flutter in my stomach.

"Yeah, see you then," I smiled, feeling my cheeks get warm.

He flashed me a smile before walking out the door, and leaving me with my thoughts.

After lunch, I was really fucking sleepy, so I took a nap, which intended to be way longer than I'd expected.

Weird uncomfortable images and scenes flew through my head.

I was in my car, driving, with my mom and Aiden sitting in the back seat.

"Sweetie, drive slowly, I have to get to work, and if you crash the car that won't be possible, " my mom said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Hayley, you're speeding, you need to stop!" Aiden yelled.

"I have work to do!" My mom yelled.

"Stop telling me what to do," I yelled back, as a bright flash of light, blinded me, and I was flung forward in my seat. I felt tears around my eyes, as I heard my car crash in front of me.

I Jolted up in a sweat, panting, as I took in the comfort of my bed, realizing that it was only I dream.

I checked the time on my phone, it was already 5:30.

I rushed to the bathroom, and washed my face, feeling the discomfort lurking at the back if my mind.

I uncomfortably slipped into my dress, and went back to my room. I sat at the dressing table, and starred at the mirror into my own dull eyes.

I pulled off the ring from my finger, and closely observed the cut on it.

Taking a deep breath in, I felt an odd sense of panic flow through me, unexpectedly.

As I placed my ring on the table, I saw the letter my father had written to me.

I remembereded my mom handing it to me, and telling me to read it when I'm ready.

Dreamland [editing]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant