twenty one

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The next morning when I woke up, I was more soar that I'd ever been.
I pulled open my eyes and moved my neck to the side as best as I could.

I turned to the chair near my table to see my mom who was holding my hand. She was asleep with a blanket loosely placed around her.

I took my hand back and stretched as much as I could without injuring myself.

I licked my dry lips, blinking into reality.
I sat up and remained mostly thoughtless until my mother woke up from the chair beside the bed.

"Oh my god you're up! Hayley how are you?" She said sleepily, giving me a hug.
"I was so worried, you have no idea,"

I sighed and gave her a small smile.

I was much more clear in my head. I still had no idea what exactly happened, but I realized that it wasn't all a dream. I really didn't think it was very serious though.
Appart from being a little soar, I still couldn't feel much.

"I'll just call the nurse" my mom said getting up from her seat, and placing her blanket on my bed.

I sat on my bed, slowly processing everything that happened.

"Hey, you're up" the Nurse said walking into the room, just moments later.

"How are you feeling?" She asked clearing the side table and placing a bottle of water on it.

How was I feeling?

"Alright..." I said, not knowing what else I could've possibly said.

She let out a sigh and sat on a chair near the bed. I turned to face her, so we were now sitting opposite each other.
She smiled and took my hand in hers, looking at me with pity.

"How much do you remember?" She asked, and I blinked at her.

"Um, do you remember getting hit by the truck?" She asked,

Everything suddenly hit me.
I remember opening the box of my dad's stuff and finding the pills, and then I called my mom.....

"Hayley,?" The nurse said, snapping me out of my daze.


"Listen, this is probably a lot to process, but you can take your tim-

"I was unconscious the whole day yesterday?" I asked, feeling a sense of panic creep up my spine.

"Well...." she said and looked at my mom. "The important thing is that you're fine now." She said.

I looked at her with a blank expression.

"You injured yourself pretty bad but we did a small surgery and you're going to be fine now..."

I started getting a little anxious. Turns out this accident was pretty serious huh.
Would it effect my school? And when can I start running again?
What if I need to be here for long, that'll effect my mental health won't it. I was a mess when I didn't work out, and I cant imagine having my movement restricted so much.

"In a couple days we'll get the Xray for your leg. If the bone in the fibula is broken, all's well and you'll be fine soon, but for you, it's the tibia that's damaged so there may be some complications." She said.

"Complications like?" My mother asked.

"Well typically, tibia fractures require surgery, which could go wrong. The extent of the fracture currently looks like it'll heal over time." She smiled

"And how much would surgery cost?" My mom asked.

"A surgery can typically cost anywhere between $17,000 to maybe $30,000 , but with insurance, I'm sure you'll be better of" she finished.

I thought about everything and began to feel sick. I wouldn't be able to walk for so long and school and The cost? And what the fuck happened to me.

What about school? How was I going to catch up on everything? And what about working out, I was just starting to get fit. I kept thinking the same few thoughts over and over.

"Listen, don't worry about it for now. Just make sure you're resting properly, we'll see how things go, and for now it doesn't look too serious," she smiled.

"How long will I be here for?" I asked.

"We'll only know after your check up, which is on Wednesday," she smiled, and walked away.

My mom looked at me and smiled, with pity in her eyes. "I'm just glad your alright," she said, taking my arm and kissing it. She placed her palm on my cheek, and her eyes got watery, and weirdly, a part of me was suprised that she even cared about me that much.

I was still extremely tired, so passed out  the minute I lied down. I didn't wake up  till really late that night, and I'm went back to sleep after my small dinner.


"Hayley, your friends are here to see you" the Nurse said, about half an hour after I had gotten up, the next morning.

The nurse walked out as Scarlett, levi, Jacob, Ryan and Aiden walked in.

"AYEEE THERE SHE IS" Jacob and Levi shouted as they walked towards my bed.

"Oh my god Hayley, I missed you," Scarlet said sitting on the side of my bed, and almost tearing up.

"Jones remember what I said about driving slower?" Ryan said shaking his head.

I felt really weird. I really didn't like being the center of attention, at least not like this.
I didn't like people feeling bad for me, especially my friends.

Scarlet smiled at me.

"We got you some stufffff" Levi said enthusiastically.

"What" I scoffed

"Yeah, nothing big" Jacob added.

I sighed.
As happy as I was to see them, I didn't want to be with all of them at once. It felt weird. And why did they get me stuff.
I was also half lost in my own thoughts and a lot was going on in my head.

Scarlett placed a bag on my bed and excitedly dug her arm in, pulling something out.

"There's paints, and a sketchbook, pencils, basically a bunch of stationary, and a bunch of DVDs and food for you, so that you won't get bored" she said smiling..... they really think I'm gonna be here for that long huh?

"not that yout gonna be here for long," she added hopefully, and I forced a smile.

"Oh wow! Than-

"Andddd, knowing you, your probably thinking about how your gonna not fail all your classes if you're here, so..." Levi said handing me a paper.

I looked closely at the coloured sheet and saw all their names written.

"So," Scarlett continued, "I'll take bio, Ryan will do spanish, Aiden math, Levi geography Jake is stupid so he'll just come sit here and talk cause he doesn't know enough of anything to teach it to you" Scarkett said, "so you got school covered, until your back,"

"I'll show you my notes for the rest of subjects cause I thought you'll get time to yourself anyway, so you can do like history when you're free" she finished.

I didn't really know what to say.
I looked at them thankfully, bitting back tears.

Between everything that was going on, from how scared I was to worrying about weather I'll need surgery I was an emotional mess and my friends doing so much made me feel guilty. I felt like I didn't deserve so much. I didn't deserve them at all.


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