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I got up the next morning at 4:30, and went to the gym, not knowing what else to do.

I was excited to start painting, when my mom texted me, reminding me that today was that stupid brunch thing I needed to go for.

I really wasn't looking forward to the brunch and helping with the gallery, but I figured that my mom wouldn't really ask me for too big a favor for a while after this.

I got dressed in a well sitting, sleeveless maroon dress, that stopped a few inches above my knees and a pair of white sneakers, since my mom wasn't there to tell me otherwise. 'don't wear sneakers with a dress Hayley, it's not classy.'

I liked wearing heels, I just prefer being comfortable at at event that I was being forced to go to.

Not long after I got into the cab, the driver pulled over at an expensive-looking hotel and I hesitantly walked into the brightly lit room full of people whose clothes costed more than my school fees.

I found Levi who was at this brunch thing as well and pretty much hung out with him for most of it. He left a little early, and just after I put my plate away, and next thing I knew, I was shaking hands with Aaron something, the guy my mom was talking about.

"Hayley, Hi, I'm so glad you're interested in helping out,"

"Heh..sure," I awkwardly laughed, and we walked a little towards a table.

"I'm really sorry, but I have some last-minute work right now, but my son will help you out," He said.

I was rather suprissed when from the table, an annoyed Aiden stood up. He was wearing a perfectly sized expensive black suit that sat on him flawlessly, making him look better than he already did. He was one of last people I expected to see at a function like this, and ....well I just really didn't expect him to be here.

Literally, this guy was everywhere.

"Hayley, this is my son Aiden, he'll be with you to set up," Aaron said placing his hand on Aiden's shoulder.

"Heyy," I smiled, knowingly.

"You guys have met?" Aaron asked, judging from out body language.

"School," Aiden replied, in a dull tone.

Aiden ran his hands through his hair and pulled his phone out.

"Aiden please take the paintings to the studio it's near Maddison Ally, near the mall, and put everything up." Aaron said.

He picked up his phone, and without taking his eyes off the screen thanked me again.

"Tell your sister when you're leaving," He added,

"She left," He said. Aaron looked up from his phone and walked away soon after, placing his hand on the back of a petit blonde woman. She seemed a quiet young and had nothing in common with Aiden, I assumed she was probably just Mr.Gray's wife or girlfriend.

I cracked my knuckles and looked down at my tattooed hands distractedly.

"you ready to go?" Aiden asked.

"Uh yeah..."

"we're gonna walk to my house, alright?"

"sure," I replied.

It was a little sunnier than my ideal cloudy weather but pleasant enough to walk in.

We were walking through the pavement when the tip of my heal got stuck in a small Crack, and I stumbled, nearly falling, when Aiden caught my hand instantly,
"Careful," he said instinctively.

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