twenty nine

336 19 11

For the next few days, my mind was weirdly clear and positive. I wasn't overly worried about anything, and I somehow didn't spend any time worrying about my dead father.

My mom bought me some sleeping pills which seemed to be giving me better sleep, and the weather was perfect.

I didn't spend too much time on my phone either, so no wierd texts here and there pissed me off too much.

I spent my mornings painting and catching up on school work, and I generally took a nap in the afternoon. During the evenings, one of my friends would come over and teach me anything I needed help with, or we'd just sit and work together. It was pretty nice.

"Hey," Levi said, walking into the room.

I smiled,

"Fuck, this is amazing," he said picking up a drawing from the night stand.

"Thanks Levi,"

"Hey," my mom said walking in.

"Hi Mrs.Jones, your hair looks great," Levi said, and I smiled.

"Thank you sweetheart. I'm going to the office, I'll be back before 7," my mom said to me, and left.

"You guys been talking?" Levi asked, once she left.

"Sort of...I mean more than before..."

He tapped my head, and then fell onto one of the chairs.

He pulled out his phone, "aah fuck," he said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Mch...Coach Bakers asking us to come for practice,"

"Oh...that's alright,"

"Ughh but you were alone yesterday as well and your mom is out," he said, texting someone on his phone, and I let out a small laugh.

"That's fine Levi," I laughed.

"Okay, I'll be back in the night, as soon as practice is over," he said, getting up.

He tapped me on the shoulder, and then sprinted out of the room.

I chuckled to myself, and pulled out English homework, after plugging in my earplugs and playing some arctic monkeys.

The sun was slowly setting, giving the room a warm glow, and I was actually enjoying myself quiet a bit.

After about 30 minutes, the door softly creaked open, and a very attractive grey eyed, brown haired boy walked in, with a small smile on his face.

"Hey," he said, closing the door behind him.

"Hi..." I said, sort of confused, I really didn't expect to see him here today.

"Levi asked me to come over cause he had to leave," he explained.

My god Levi. Why is he the way he is.

I let out a small laugh. "Wow, you don't have to stay..." I said softly.

"I really dont mind, I'm just getting some work done anyway," he smiled, and sat down on the chair closest to my bed.

I pulled out my ear plugs, and stared at my note book infront of me.

", did you draw that?" Aiden asked.

"Yeahh," I scoffed, slightly embarrassed.

"It's fucking beautiful," he said, picking up the piece of paper.

I felt my cheeks turn hot and I bit the side of my lip.

"Thank you," I said, feeling this weird warm feeling in my stomach.

My phone started ringing, and the second I looked at it, my heart beat momentarily increased, but not in a good way.

It wasn't ohh I love you so my heart is beating fast, it was fucking fight or flight.

The name that flashed Across the Screen was Asher.

I stared at it without doing anything when Aiden looked up from his book.

"Are you not going to pick it?" He asked, letting out a small laugh.

" actually," I said, muting the call.

He narrowed his eyes at me momentarily,
"Its Asher," I explained, and he nodded...sort of.

"You don't seem to like him very much," he said, I guess in attempt to lighten the mood, but it didn't exactly work.

I stiffened up slightly and shook my head.

The rest of the evening was surprisingly event less. Aiden seemed pretty lost in his work, and his thoughts, and same goes for me.

"Oh tomorrow's the game right?" I asked,

"Yeah, against...Riverside prep.." he said, doubtfully.

"Are you going?" I asked.

"I was supposed to meet my sister for dinner, but if that gets over early maybe I'll show up," he said.

After doing a bunch of other work, the door swung open, and Levi walked in.

"Hi, I got food," he smiled, placing a brown bag on a table.

"Also, I installed Valorant onto the TV hear yesterday, so we're gonna play now,"

"What, no I don't like that game,"

"Cause you suck at it?" Levi said, hopping onto the bed.

"I do not suck at it," I said, defensively.

"Prove it," he smirked, handing me a console.

"Piss off," I mumbled taking it from him.

"You play?" Aiden asked.

"We stopped letting her play with us because she gets too angry," Levi said.

"Shut up, Levi," I said, and Aiden chuckled.

"Hmm once she threw the fucking console at the TV,"

"That's different,-

"Can you imagine what would happen if she lost?"

"Yeah, you wouldn't know, and stop talking about me like I'm not right here," I complained.

"Okay, I'm at A, no ones here, take B," Aiden said.

"The fuck?" I said, seeing my player fall onto the floor dead.

"It's alright Jones, you must have lost practice," Levi said.

"I didn't see the person that shot me," I said.

"Sure you didn't," he added.

"LEVI," I yelled, shoving his elbow, and he chuckled.

After that point, I started playing really fucking well, I was practicallycarrying the team....well not really, but I wasn't bad at all...and one of my arms was still in a cast!


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