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The rest of week went by without any trouble.

On the first Friday since school started, during AP Calculus, as Mrs.Holler went on blabbering about functions and what not, the only thing that I was able to think about it whether or not I'd turned my straightener off this morning.

I was taken away from my thoughts when the bell went off. "Hayley, stay back," Mrs. Holler said.

Huh, this will be fun.

"I have worksheets for you," She said.

"what?" I said, nearly laughing. "class just started."

"yes, some of this is last years portions and some is what I taught this week, if you have any doubts, feel free to ask your friends, if not, you can ask me on Monday when you submit everything you were able to do."


"Yes, there isn't that much"

I shook my head and took the papers she handed to me. I walked out of the room rolling my eyes.

After one boring hour of class and one free period, I finaly headed to lunch.

"Hey, my uncle is going away for the weekend. Y'all want to hang? Friday and all?" Jacob asked, as I sat in my seat, sulking about my worksheets fro. Mrs.Holler.

Jake had a rich Uncle that he lived with when he couldn't stay on campus, and we went there every once in a while.
They let us leave the campus without too much trouble, especially on the weekends, as long as we were back before curfew, or weren't back at all.

"sure," Scarlet said.

"Yeah, I'm down," Ryan said.

Levi gave him a thumbs up smiling with his mouth full of food.

"Aiden?" Jacob asked.

"Uhh, yeah, " He said softly.

He sat at our table almost everyday, and seemed to be really good friends with the rest of them. And I mean really good friends. They seemed to know a lot about each other, and they were almost always together.

We occasionally exchanged a few words, and he sort of laughed everytime I said anything stupid, which was often...especially in Mrs.Hollers class, and Mr.Thomas' both of which I had with Aiden.

I still didn't know very much about him though, Just that everyone seemed very interested in where he'd been for the past year.

"Jones what about you?"

"hmm?" I said slightly distracted.

"Uncle house today, you in?" He asked.

"Yeah sure," I said.

"We'll leave at 6?" Scarlet asked

"cool," Jacob said picking one of my fries and shoving it into his mouth,

I finished my lunch and headed back to class, and after a couple of hours of being bored out of my mind, headed to my room.

I was pretty sleepy, so changed out of my uniform, and into some soft cotton shorts.

I placed my head on my pillow and slipped off into a weird dream.

For some reason, afternoon naps were like that. Well I always got weird dreams, but when I woke up in the evenings  I always woke up upset or angry, or just feeling really weird.

I was dreaming about something related to some waterfall some where.

I was looking at the waterfall, appreciating its beauty, when suddenly I jumped off the high cliff, falling straight onto rocks and water. Before I could hit the rocks, my body jolted awake, to hear a soft knock on the door.

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