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Camilla's POV

I know I probably wasn't welcome here. But I couldn't just let everything be said without me saying something as well. I'd managed to convince my dad into letting me come with them. I know the judge will need me at some point, but I didn't want to miss a beat.

It was better this way. This way we had a better chance at winning.


Charlie's POV

"Miss Monaco, have you ever had trouble with your dad before? Ever had a blow up about something or maybe someone?" My dad's lawyer questioned.

"Objection." Henderson spoke.

"On what grounds?" The judge questioned.

"Leading the witness." He said simply gaining an overruled by the judge, well you can't win them all.

"So?" My dad's lawyer carried on.

"We've never had a blow up, no." I said. I couldn't lie to them, if they wanted the whole story they'll get it, but this one was a bit different.

"Are you sure, Miss Monaco?" He pushed, smugly.

"Objection. Badgering the witness!" Henderson defended. The judge nodded.

"Move on." He said to him.
He nodded and carried on with his onslaught of questions.

"Wel , I have police records here, saying that you were sent to juvie Miss Monaco. Yes, we all know who you're family is, but you were 15 years old. A bit young to start acting as if you rule the world don't you think?" He asked.

"I went to juvie." I nodded.

"Why?" He pushed.

"Because of my dad." I mumbled.


"Because of my dad." I said, more clearly.

"What about him, Miss Monaco?"

"He sent me to juvie." I stated. "I hit him."
I said.

"And why would you want to hit your own father Charlie. Not one, but four times. He suffered a fracture to his right rib. What could possibly have done that much damage, I don't think your punches are that strong, Miss Monaco." He complained.

And then, we sat in silence, for the next couple minutes. Him waiting for my answer and me waiting for time to pass faster.

I can't believe he'd bring this up. I didn't need to remember it. Fuck. I'd forgotten about it for the time he's been gone. I'd never been so hurt, in my life. Just the whole memory. Embedding itself in my brain, once again.

"Miss Monaco?" He asked, annoyed.

"What?!" I growled.

"Answer the question." He demanded. I looked to Henderson, begging for me to get me out of this situation. I knew I'd have to say something at some point, but not in front of half of my family, not in front of all my friends or even my colleagues. I was the mafia boss for fuck sake, I couldn't show what my weakness was. I couldn't let him, be my weakness.

"Does it really matter though, I wasn't in the wrong, I did nothing wrong, he had it coming, I was just finishing what he started." I sneered towards my dad.

"Come on Miss Monaco, we all know that your dad was the man of the house, hitting you wouldn't have exactly fixed anything." He spoke, "Tell us why you were sent to juvie." He said.

He's doing this on purpose, he's picking these questions because he knows full well I could never say what he did to me out loud. He'd made me forget what happened, just to keep it away from people. For his own good, not mine.

"No." I said, simply looking down.


"No, I won't tell you." I stated.

"Well we will just out your dad up there then." He said, nodding towards the judge.

"Miss Monaco, go and take a seat." The judge said, " Mr Monaco, take the stand." He finished.

The police men helped my dad up and then put him on the stand, it was a bad choice for me to keep quiet, and I'd done it for his sake.

"Mr Monaco," his lawyer spoke up,
"Would you like to tell us why you sent your daughter to Juvie?"

I knew, right there before he even started talking that he was going to lie about it. He'd never let me win, have peace. And no, it's really not what you think. He didn't rape me.

It's just after the few years I spent at Juvie, I had to at least act like he did the right thing, knowing deep down that I wanted to kill the man. And then to my mum, we had to play up to it, I had to convince myself that he was okay with me being gay so he understood, but I knew he didn't. I just wanted comfort in the fact that neither my mum or dad were there for me, in the worst few years of my life.

"She went to juvie, to be taught a lesson. To not mess around with older boys... or girls for that matter. She needed to learn how to take care of herself before anything else." He knew that this would hit hard, because if you just knew what had happened, because all these words had a deeper meaning to them.

I know what he's trying to do, trying to make me snap. He thinks that I'd never tell anyone what happened. He truly believed that I hadn't told anyone. Little did he know.




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