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The days that I had been following her around the hospital proved to be a waste of time. No one had made themselves suspect to her stalking. Whoever it was, they were very good at not tripping up. If I had to think about it, I would say that whoever it was had a history in this sort of thing. Miss Henderson is at the hospital more than she is anywhere else, she rarely talks to people outside of work and most of her friends are from the hospital. She had a very busy schedule, she was food shopping at half eleven last night because she had a surgery that ran over. She didn't have much of a life outside of work, but I couldn't fault her, it showed her dedication.

However there has been one person who has caught my attention on more than one occasion. The overly smug doctor that seemed to think he was superior to everyone and everything had a bit of a possessive side with Miss Henderson. He just couldn't take no for an answer. According to some of the doctors and nurses, he had been obsessed with her for a while, for longer than just a few months. He had been constantly around her for years, ever since she became an intern, which would be roughly four years ago. Being obsessed with someone for four years is borderline narcissistic, and I was not willing to take my chances with him. I found myself making notes of every time they spoke, every interaction and every time he had followed her down the corridors, this time being one of them. Before she could react to his presence, he had grabbed ahold of her and pulled her into a closet.

"Don't be such a tease." His voice reverberated through the small room, my ear placed against the door.

"Please let me go." She said, sternly but with a slight wobble seeping through.

"What are you talking about, you want me, I can see it, your mouth is telling another story to what your eyes are."He pushed smugly.

"Get off me Mike!" I could hear shuffling inside but the door was untouched.

"You're not leaving until we do what we've been putting off for ages, I know you want me as much as I want you." And this was a prime example of how people act when they can't take no for an answer.

"Mike, get off me!"I heard a slap, and that was my final straw before all of my hopes in keeping my cover flew out the window.

My foot hastily met the door as it nearly fell off it's hinges at my entrance, pulling him away from Miss Henderson and shoved him against the wall, placing myself in between him and her.

"She said get off, twice." I said sternly. He flinched back, but got straight back into character.

"And what are you gonna do about that, punish me?" He whispered in my ear, you could tell how desperate he was.

"Yes." his smirk grew and then instanly disappeared as I kneed him where the sun certainly doesn't shine. His face morphed in pain and anger as he dropped to the floor, his head bowing at the pain.

I turned around to Miss Henderson. She hadn't moved, but I couldn't blame her really.

"Thank you."She said to me, her hands shaking a little as the adrenaline still coursed through her body.

"You're welcome. Are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" She shook her head no and smiled at me.

"Thank you, he's been bugging me for a while now, I didn't know what to do about him." She admitted, a slight frown etching it's way on to her normally serene face.

"You should have beat the shit out of him a while ago ." I said, offering her a warm smile. Recognition flashed in her eyes and it was now clear that I held her full attention. Not something you wish for when you're trying not to be recognised.

"Is everything okay?" I say warily, did I just give something away?

"Oh, sorry you just remind me of my father's best friend."She blushed.

"So you think your dad's best friend is sexy?"I teased her, teased her and yet she still blushed.

"What? No of course not." She replied, she must have a crush on my father. The doctor looked at the guy on the floor, then to herself then back to me, was she checking me out?

"Are you hurt?" She asked.

"What, no?" I checked my clothes looking for blood but was instead leaving marks from my hand. My hand was bleeding, not bad, but not not bad either.

"Does it hurt?" Miss Henderson grabbed my hand and examined it, she then took my arm and led me out of the supply closet and down to a little room that looked like a medicine supply room.

"Sit here and I'll sort your hand out for you." She instructed, pointing to the bench and then went off to the cabinet.

"Boss, we need a cleanup at the hospital." I spoke down the phone once I was left alone.

"What? You didn't kill anyone did you?" He questioned.

"Of course not. I'm not an amateur, there's just a guy that needs taking care of, could you just take him away from the hospital whilst he recovers?" I asked.

"Fine, there'll be a few officers there soon, don't wait up for them else it might blow your cover."

"Yep." I said, awkwardly, knowing there was a very high chance of that already being achieved. Oh, I know where I got the wound from, my mother's best friend. I wonder whether she was gonna tell my Mum what I'm up to, everything I do always seems to get back to my Mum. And there's no other explanation than her, she's everywhere. I was ripped out of my thoughts by a touch on my hand. I yanked away, becoming stiff as my guard kicked in, only to find Miss Henderson confused at my reaction.

"Sorry." I said to her, giving my hand back to her.
She cleaned my wound and wrapped it securely so I wouldn't be able to catch it on anything.

"You'll need to come see me tomorrow so I can check it again, I don't want it getting infected or anyth-  wait, you're a doctor?" She questioned shocked, only now taking in my attire.

"Intern, I'm just here for a couple weeks on a training course ." I lied, after a few weeks I would have to leave the hospital, they will start realising that I'm not from here, and then they will get suspicious. And then they'll call the police. And then the police will show up and then yeah you know the rest.

"Oh, may I ask your name?" She asked timidly.

"You can just call me Charlie." I smiled towards her. Maybe this wasn't the best decision I had ever made, normally I had control over the words that I spoke, but they just seemed to be tumbling out.

"Charlie, I'll see you around, I was meant to finish half an hour ago." She went off before I even had a chance to say thanks. She will remember my face for a while now, so low profile it is.

Unwilling To Hate You (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now