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Charlie's POV

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry-." The person spoke, scrambling up to grab onto me and bring me up too only to realise...

"Charlie?" She spoke.

"Camilla?" I questioned back, confused.

Yes, I knew perfectly well that she was a doctor, but I thought she was just a general one, not a DNA doctor.

I carried on staring, bewildered that out of all the people in the world, she had to be here. Today.

"W-what are you doing here?" She stumbled out, trying to clear up the silence.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh. Right. Of course, sorry, stupid question. J-just come through and I'll get you sorted." She stuttered out fast.

I brushed past her as she lingered in the doorway.

"Calm down Camilla, it's only me." I said, lowly. Her eyes darted to mine as her face struggled to control her emotions. After a few seconds of staring, she shook her head, as if breaking herself out of the trance and shut the door behind her. She walked past me, leaving me stood in the middle of the room whilst she busied herself with cleaning down the table.

Why wasn't she fighting back? Normally she would. What's changed?

"Camilla?" I mumbled, but she ignored me.

"Camilla." I said a bit louder, still not gaining her attention.

I sat down confused as to why she was choosing to ignore me. She came over and just a I thought she might actually talk to me, she grabbed my arm ( quite roughly may I add) and shoved the needle in my arm, not even waiting for my permission.

I winced and latched onto the chair as my voice was silenced. I had no say in what was happening. The needles sucked out my blood and she removed it from my arm, sticking a plaster over it and moving away to put the blood sample in a container ready for it to go off and be tested.

I didn't understand though. She was enjoying the teasing the other day even if she took it all to naturally.

I huffed and stood up, making my way towards her, just close enough so she couldn't escape if she turned but not close enough to touch just yet. Her body turned and collided with mine, causing me to reach for the table to keep us upright. She gasped as our bodies collided with the table, and looked at me as if I was out of my mind.

"Don't ignore me Camilla." I said, dangerously.

She looked away, staring to the side, as if I wasn't two centimetres away from her.

"What are you doing to me ?" I whispered, causing her expression to falter, but still not take me in.

I puffed out and reached for her chin, gently forcing her to look at me but she flinched away from my touch.
She flinched away from my touch. I couldn't pretend like it didn't hurt because it really did. If I remember correctly it wasn't me who broke her heart but the other way around. I took a step back, leaving a gap between us, confused as to why she would have backed away.

"I-I don't understand." I started.

"I would never hurt you Camilla." I said sincerely. Her expression turned deadly as she looked at me fully now.

"But you have, Charlie." She seethed towards me.

"What?" I asked, utterly confused.

"Do you think that just because we are in different countries the news doesn't reach here?" She sneered.

"Every girl you fucked, I read about it. Every girl you left with a broken heart, I read about it. Every single time you did something to a girl, I fucking read it." She shouted, glaring towards me.

"You left me Camilla." I said simply.

"I moved on Charlie, I thought you were dead. There's a huge difference. I didn't think that you were coming back. I couldn't bare the thought of being alone if you left. But you. You knew I was alive. I was 4000 miles away, that's it. When you were in the coma, you were worlds away. I didn't know how to get to you. How to get to your world. It was impossible when you came back, because I knew how much it would've hurt you." She spoke.

"And yet here we are. You're still acting as if we are worlds away. I'm right in front of you! I showed up at my home the very day I woke up. That was my world. You were my world. We were in the same fucking world! You chose him Camilla. You chose to be in his world." I shouted, on the verge of a full breakdown.

"I love you Camilla. There is no one else. I can't get over you. I need you. I always have. When I was with another girl, it was always you. God! Just tell me what to do Camilla. Please. I can't take being alone anymore. I'm yours."I dropped to my knees, literally begging for her help.

And the next thing she said,was the only word that could break me.

"Not anymore."


Camilla's POV

I knew anything at this point would make or break us, but we've been going back and forth since she got back, and it's causing more harm than good. The whole point of a breakup is to be apart, split up, broken apart. That means no strings attached, but with me and Charlie, there's always some strings holding us together. The world wants us to be together, but because of how broken she is and how stupid I am, for the time being, it can't happen.

They say you find the right person but just at the wrong time. That's exactly what's happened here.

Right person. Wrong time.


Awh 🥺

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