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Charlie's POV

Day prior.

I was sat in the back of my car, waiting for Mr Henderson to join me. I had told him to meet me. He needed to know everything that could be brought up. I couldn't let it be a shock to him too. My dad was a killer.

The door opened next to me and Mr Henderson got in the car. His face turned to me as he waited for what I needed to say.

"Sir." I whimpered.

"Charlie, what's wrong dear." His arm circled me as he rubbed my back to calm me.

"He killed my baby." I cried out. My head falling onto his chest, as I struggled to keep my tears in.

"What?!" He shrieked out.

I couldn't say it again. I shook my head and hid my head deeper in his chest. He was like my new dad, one that cared, one that would protect me at any cost, one that loved me. I needed him, to believe me. I needed him to trust me.

"Charlie." He said softly as his hand held my head to him.

"It's okay." He said. My tears fell. My cries grew louder. And from there on out. Mr Henderson knew why I was so broken.

"It's okay Charlie." He comforted me.

I had to tell him though.

"I was pregnant. I understood why he didn't want me to have it, but he could have just put it up for adoption. My little baby was taken from me as soon as I'd given birth. And no one ever told me what had happened. So in my mind, he was a killer. I didn't know whether he killed him. But he killed my happiness for sure."
I slowly let out.

"It's okay dear, we will find him." He said, sure of himself.


I went home that night, after my talk with Mr Henderson, very emotional. It was nice to get it off my chest, the weight on my shoulders seemed to lighten every few hours after I'd told him. But that doesn't mean it was easy. It wasn't in the slightest.

I hadn't felt open enough to tell anyone, or even felt the need. But if it was to be brought up in court and Mr Henderson didn't know about it, then he would obviously lose trust in me. I couldn't have that. I needed him, to be my father figure. I needed someone to tell me when not to talk about things or when to shut my mouth when I'm eating at the table. I needed him. His family.

It was the first time in years I'd talked about it, in fact, I'd never spoken about it to anyone. Dad thinks I've forgotten, that's why he was so easy with me before all this. But I've held it close to me all these years. I'd never let that go. Never let my baby boy go. He was mine. He will always be mine.


Well, what a chapter eh ? Thank you for reading !!


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