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Camilla's POV

Of course I'd run into her. And for me, it wasn't a bad thing , but for her... I knew she'd been trying to avoid me. it was considerably annoying actually. But if that's how she wanted to be then so be it.

But she can't ignore me forever.


Charlie's POV

The lift dinged as we came to our floor. I pulled Damon towards Mr Henderson's office, the unwanted attention still following us.

Two pairs of heels clicked against the floor, mine and theirs, as we headed for his door. My hand knocked on the solid glass.

I didn't need to turn around to know that the unwanted presence was still in fact behind me, about two metres actually.

The door came into view as I fastened my pace, dragging Damon along while his little legs struggle to keep up. My hand hit against the door, even though the door was already opening in front of me. Camilla.

She pushed the door open as my hand paused in the air, trying not to make myself look like even more of an idiot as I already looked like I'd seen a ghost.

Mr Henderson looked up as Camilla muttered a few words to him, his eyes snatching from one of us to the other and then down to Damon hiding behind my side, as if he could feel the tension.

"Hello?" Mr Henderson spoke.

"This is Damon." I spoke up, not allowing Camilla the chance to possibly explain why we were here together knowing she'd find some way to make it sound different than it was.

His eyes darted to to Damon's as he rose from his chair, coming towards us. Damon's grip on me tightened as he got closer, but I lifted him in my arms to calm him. Now Damon was extra friendly, but I think he knew a powerful person when he saw one.

"It's okay buddy, he's our friend." I said happily, bopping him on the nose as he blushed and snuggled into my neck.

A few seconds later he lifted his head again, holding his hand out for Mr Henderson to shake.

Mr Henderson gave me a weird look, but shook his hand anyway saying, "Nice to meet you little man."

My gaze shifted to Camilla as she stood out the way, silently watching our interaction, whilst Mr Henderson entertained Damon as he sat in my hold.

Her eyes then lead a dangerous path, as her focus snapped to me, solely. They ventured down my legs and up my body, her pupils growing bigger as she found interest in my lips. Our eyes met, she blushed and looked down, knowing full well that I had just watched her eye fuck me. I smirked internally as my attention went back to Damon.

"Do you own this whole building?" Damon asked excitedly as he slowly lost interest in me holding him, and gradually climbed into Mr Henderson's arms instead, leaving me lonely.

Mr Henderson shot me a questioning look , as if asking me if it was okay for him to hold Damon, in which I immediately let happen.

He held on to Damon strongly, wandering out the office as they went to go and look at all the cctv cameras in every room, just to prove to Damon that there were over 70 rooms. Funny kid.

My arms folded over my chest as we were left in silence, Camilla's eyes immediately catching on to the gesture.

Our eyes met once again, this time dangerously, her daring me to yield. My body slowed moved towards her as hers moved back, her confidence rapidly shrinking as her back hit the wall.

Her eyes then dropped to the floor, as she gave in almost immediately. My arms outstretched, placing themselves on either side of her head. She seemed to shrink even more, trying to avoid confrontation of any sort. My face dropped towards her height, trying to grab her attention once again; but being unsuccessful.

My hand gently grabbed her chin, her eyes darting up to mine as her face filtered with dread. Dread? I'm sure my face showed my hurt because hers turned into an even grimmer look, but I covered it up fast. My mouth dropped to her right ear.

"Don't test me Camilla." I simply said, as my head drew back to catch the look on her face. Her eyes were screwed shut as if trying to block out everything that was happening.

The door opened as I moved back from Camilla, meeting the eyes of Jake. His lips lifted up into a smirk as his head filled with all the ideas he was currently imagining that happened.

"Jake." My voice sounded hoarse, not at all proving my point to him that nothing had happened, but actually making in ten times worse.

"Where's Damon?" His voice crew concerned as his thoughts were forgotten.
My mouth opened, ready to explain but I was cut off by Camilla.

"He's with dad." She said, bored.

"Dad?" Jake questioned, looking to me for the answer.

"Mr Henderson." I said, him immediately catching on.

He nodded and said, " We should get going, Damon's got to have his bath today, and mum will be mad at me if I don't get him clean. Oh, so your brother can run the bath himself can he? He's a child Jake!" He said, imitating his mum at the end, earning a laugh and a smack on the back of the head from me, as he began walking out the door.

My eyes sprung to Camilla, making her way do the door at the exact same time as me. I stopped, obviously letting my manners get in the way, to let her go first but she stopped too, making this extremely awkward. My feet moved first as I went to go and get Damon and go home with Jake, but a hand clamped around my wrist, stopping me.

"Is he yours?" Camilla asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Is Damon yours?"She asked again, clarifying.

It took me a while to answer. I so wished that he was mine. But he wasn't.

"No." I stated, getting out of Camilla's grip as my thoughts wondered as I did.

My feet carried me straight to the car, only to stop half way from the door when I realised I had to get Damon. I turned to rush back inside but a car horn startled me as I froze and nearly shit myself on the spot.

"Come on Charlie. I'm hungry!" Jake screamed from inside the car, Damon's giggles being heard too.

I waved my hands to shut him up as I rushed to get in the car, being greeted by Damon already in his seat and a song I'd never heard of on the radio. He sped off, complaining about his hunger, then teasing about what happened with Camilla, but I just couldn't focus.

Why would she think Damon was mine?

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