The Clashing Blades

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"Can you stop dragging me already?!" said Infinite as he was being dragged down the long, vast corridor by Snicker. Snicker shook his head from side to side. "What do you mean no? I'm the knight here, you gotta answer to me!" Snicker stops and puts on a black crown with a white gem in the center on his head and looks at Infinite. "Okay so your a future king, doesn't mean you can boss me around like I'm one of your knights."

Snicker dragged Agent Infinite into some sort of training ground outside, they sit on one of the wooden benches on the side. The Training grounds had human like figures made of hay with two rocks randomly glued onto different parts of the hay figures. There was a wooden box next to a tree full of different swords and weapons.

"So, now can I see your weapon?" Snicker shakes his head "No? Aw why?" Snicker points at Infinite. "Me first? Fine then." Agent Infinite pulls out a sword, the blade looked as if it was made of iron and it was rusted slightly, and the leather on the handle was discolored. "Its not much, but it gets the job done" commented Agent Infinite. Snicker looked as though he was about to laugh. He then grabs Infinite's sword and pokes at it, while trying to hold back laughter. "Oh is something wrong with it?" Snicker easily bends the tip of the blade like it was made of rubber and Infinite looks a little shocked.

"Okay thanks a lot. Now I need a new weapon." he said. Snicker walks away. "Hey?! Get back here right this second?!"

Snicker walks back with a steel sword with a black handle, it looked like it was the same size as Infinite's. He noticed this as Snicker hands him the sword. "Oh, thank you." Infinite replied with a smile, he holds his sword ready for combat.

"Now show me your weapon in battle!" Infinite voiced with passion. Snicker wrote something down on a post it note and Infinite looks at him then reads what's on the post it note. In sort of messy and small handwriting, it said;

'First off sorry for any grammar or spelling issues, English is not my first language and its very different compared to Morman and Mewman.

But how about a bet? Its a earth thing wear the winner gets something from the loser. If I win then you have to answer one of my questions with the truth and nothing but the truth (and no its not about your identity don't worry) and if you win the same terms apply. Do we have a deal?'

Agent Infinite thinks about it for a second as Snicker looks at him with a very smug expression on his face. "Well now that your giving me that smug look we got a deal!" he proclaimed. They stand on opposite sides of the training grounds from each other and Agent Infinite holds his sword. "Now wheres your weapon?" Snicker chuckles and holds a hourglass gem, than smashed it onto the floor, a scythe was launched into the air and Snicker caught it. But it wasn't just a regular scythe, the handle was also part sniper, and it was made of pure metal and looked like it could do something else. Snicker reloads the sniper part and smirks, he aims at Agent Infinite's shoulder. "Since when did you go to earth and learn how guns work?!" Snicker pulls the trigger and the bullet slipped right above Infinite's shoulder. "Ha, you missed." Snicker points behind Infinite and Infinite turns to see that the bullet didn't hit him or the wall, instead it hit a butterfly, right on its head. Infinite seen this and turns to look at Snicker, who had the biggest, smuggest smirk on his face.

Agent Infinite started to run towards Snicker and attacks him with his sword. However Snicker blocks and attacks back with his scythe, after a while Infinite falls to his knees weakly and out of breath. "I yield, you win." uttered Infinite as he puts his weapon down to his side. Snicker puts his weapon down too. "whats your question, let me guess, is it about my real name, or how about what region I'm from, or what realm I call home. Whatever it is lets just get it over with already."

Snicker writes something down on a post it note and infinite reads it. The post it note said;

'Who do you have a crush on?'

"Okay, I admit, this is the most childish question someone has ever asked me in this region." Agent Infinite muttered. Snicker chuckled, anxious to know the answer.

End of Chapter Two

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