The Encounter

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Saku was dragging Sky and Shadow through a large mall. It was full of many other shoppers in the large main area. There was plenty of different stores inside of this large yet elegant mall. Saku happily pulled them to the center of the main area, where the large, somewhat rounded ceiling had pretty windows pointing at the dark, inky night sky. Saku stops and smiles. 

"So Infinite, you ready to go shopping or what!" Saku cheered, Sky didn't answer. She was too busy looking around. She was astonished at what she was looking at. "Infinite! Are you ready to go or not?!" Saku said again, catching Sky's attention. Sky quickly looks at her and nods. Saku drags Sky away into one of the stores. Shadow looks at them and waves goodbye, and he walks into the food court. Despite the bustling nature of the main area, the food court was deserted. Shadow looks around, starting to get a bad feeling about this. 

Suddenly Agent Infinite leaps out from behind the counter. He wore his normal outfit except without the cloak or bandana. He covered what he normally covers with his traditional gauze, besides his messy blonde hair of course. He leaps out and goes to grab Shadow. But he was too slow, and Shadow pins Infinite to the ground. Infinite smirks and Shadow pulls out his gun and points it right on the back of Infinite's head.

"Don't move punk, or you're being sent to hell..." Shadow threatened. 

"Oh, Zeroooooo~ we got a suspect~" Infinite happily cheered. 

"The hell are you talking about?" Shadow asked confused. Zero leaps down behind Shadow quietly. Shadow turned around and seen Zero, he turned pale. Zero tackles Shadow disarms him and kept him pinned to the ground. "What the hell?! Let me go?!" Shadow demanded. 

"No can do earthling, we got some questions for you. If you resist my little friend there will tear out your spine, okay?" Infinite asked threateningly. Shadow nods nervously. "First question... where have you seen a blue-haired girl with heart crystals?" Infinite asked. Zero puts his hand on Shadows back. 

"No... I'll never tell you where she is?! You'll never touch Agent Infinite?! She'll kick your ass?!" Shadow yelled. Infinite both look at each other and then look at Shadow.

"Let me introduce myself... my name is Agent Infinite of Southern Morana. I'm one of the Agents working for the North, a pleasure to be your acquaintance." Infinite voiced. Shadow looks confused. 

"No... Agent Infinite's a girl?! I met her myself?! Liar?!" 

"No sir... I'm Agent Infinite. That girl is royalty and I'm looking for her to bring her back home. She's been missing for three years and we finally have a lead. A colleague of mine found her with you. Just tell us where she is... before it gets ugly..." Infinite threatened. 

"Is your colleague that grey-haired chick with the goons who almost destroyed the neighborhood?" Shadow asked.

"I don't think so, she told me she only spotted you off the street?" Infinite looks at Zero. "Bro I think she lied to us, the destroying the town part sounds much more in character for her in hindsight," Infinite says. "We're so sorry for any damages caused by her." 

"No it's okay... look... I'll bring her over here to you guys... just let me grab my phone, I'll text my friend, and she'll be here in five minutes okay?" Shadow offered. Zero gets off Shadow and Shadow texts Saku something on his phone. "There... I won't run, I'll wait with you guys..." Shadow adds as he sits on one of the seats in the food court. Infinite teleports on his regular clothing. He looks at Zero and they both shrug and sits down in the seats next to him. 

Saku and Sky were in one of the clothing stores. Sky was paying for the small mountain of clothing she got with her own money, her own money that she pickpocketed from people as they walked past her. She pays, puts the clothes in the bags, and walks to Saku, who was reading Shadow's text. 

"C'mon Sky that's enough for now, Shadow wants us to come in the food court, he says it's important." Saku and Sky quickly walk into the food court and they saw them. Infinite's eyes lit up as he saw her. He walks over to her and Sky quickly kicks him away.

"Copycat?!" Sky said and Infinite looks confused. Saku looks at them even more confused.

"Shadow explain?! Now?!" Saku demanded. 

"That guy who just got kicked, he's the real Agent Infinite, next to me is Agent Zero. They're both trying to find her. She's royalty Saku. Her real name is Sky and she needs to go home..." Shadow explained. 

"L-lies... I'm Agent Infinite... not him..." Sky mumbles and held her head confused. 

"Please Sky... Morana needs you...we need you... please think really hard about this... I would never lie to you, everyone misses you, we just want you home..." Zero says kindly.

"A-and I need you..." Infinite mumbles quietly to himself, with his head down. Sky heard this and looks at Infinite, she looked at his uncovered eye. Infinite also looked Sky in the eyes.

"Please Sky... it's time to come home..." Infinite utters. Sky's eyes flash white for a second and she faints, Infinite caught her just before she hit the floor. Shadow and Saku look at him. "I'm so sorry for any inconveniences she has caused. You have my sincerest apologies..."

"No need to apologize... just... will I ever see her again? I feel like we became really good friends...and...I would hate to lose her so quickly..." Saku asked.

"Of course you will!" Infinite chuckled and Saku and Shadow each got a dagger. "Just slash the air with that dagger and you'll be able to come to Morana in no time at all! We'll happily show you around too!" 

"Oh my gosh thank you so much!" Saku replied thankfully.

"No problem, just keep them hidden... don't let any other earthlings see or have them. Only a select few have dimensional blades, and that's only because they know a Morman. Please don't let it fall into the wrong hands."

"We won't!" Saku happily answered.

"Good that's nice to hear, but anyway, my brother and I should get going now." 

" travels!" 

Zero and Infinite teleport away with Sky, they were eager to tell the others the good news. 

~End of Chapter 13~

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