The Smug Victorious Ruler

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"That was the easiest battle I have ever fought in my entire life," Goth snickered. She sat on the throne in the throne room. Some guards and Bonzo stood next to her. Her boots were soaked in blood. She licks some blood off her dagger smugly. 

"Well, Bonzo thinks you did splendid, my wonderful listener," he comments, "besides the fact, you got your boots dirty in the blood of scums... but then again, you killed a whole army of their best soldiers! What a lovely scene it was!" 

"Well, not all of them! I saved some of them for fresh food for later, a few for Matilda's experiments, some to be Wolfe's chew toys, and the rest are for torture! Hmmm... speaking of torture, maybe I can get one of them to lick the blood off my boots..." she contemplates. 

"Yeah, maybe! Oh, and I wanted to inform you that the rest of the royal family and guards are perfectly safe!" he chirped. Goth leaps up, remembering something. 

"Brianna! I forgot about Brianna! Oh, my goddess, I'm an idiot?!" Goth said. She teleports on a black hoodie, black shorts, and cute black high tops and runs off. She ran down one of the hallways and stops in front of a door. She knocks then opens it. 

Inside of the room was Brianna happily sitting on her bouncy white bed, playing with the mountain of stuffed animals on it. The walls were painted delicate light pink, with some decals of flowers carefully placed along the walls. There was a small white bookshelf stuffed to the brim with picture books. On the top of the bookshelf were some different snowglobes. There was also a large white chest full of different toys, but some were still on the light pink rug in the center of the room. Brianna looks at Goth, then sips the juice-box on her nightstand. Goth carefully steps over the toys and sits next to Brianna on the bed.

"It looks like you were having some fun!" Goth happily chirped. Brianna nods happily and sits on Goth's lap. She looked serious. Goth looks a bit nervous now and looks at her. "I-Is everything alright?" 

"Bonzo told me you were out FIGHTING, AGAIN!" Brianna said sternly. 

"Yeah, I was..." Goth answered, full of remorse.

"YOU PROMISED NOT TO?!" Brianna yelled sternly. 

"I know, I know, but I'm pretty sure there is a war about to happen.  I need to protect you and the villagers. I'll give you all the sweets in the world if you let this promise go." Goth proposed. 

"AND we get to play dollies?" Brianna asked. Goth nods. "Deal!"

"But we have to wait until we finish dinner!" Goth chirped. Brianna sighed. 

"Fine..." Brianna answered. Goth smiles and picks up Brianna, making Brianna giggle. Goth leaves the room while carrying Brianna and walks into a nice dining hall, with a really long table with over a dozen chairs and a pure silver chandelier. Ruslan and Okaw were already sitting at the table. Goth sits Brianna in a chair next to the head of the table. Goth sat at the head of the table since she is technically now the ruler of the castle. Okaw looks at Brianna. 

"Hey, monster!" Okaw remarked. Brianna looks at Okaw with a look of pure hatred. If looks could kill, Okaw would have died at least twice. This look made Okaw laugh. Goth gives Okaw the same look, but much colder and much more sinister, and he silenced himself instantly. Ruslan chuckled silently to himself. 

"We go through this every time, Okaw. Don't mess with the listener's sister!" Ruslan remarks. 

"I know Ruslan, I know, but it's just so fun!" Okaw chirped.  Ruslan sighs, clearly disappointed, and Okaw chuckles still. Wolfe, Matilda, Leia, and Bonzo walk into the room. They sit down in some of the seats. Now the whole brotherhood was together. A servant walks into the room, trembling. She held a large platter with some warm meals and some ice-cold drinks on it. She placed a cup full of freshly cut blood and some spaghetti with a nicely seasoned heart on the side to Wolfe, who smiled thankfully and placed the meal in front of him on the table. Then the servant gave a juice box, a well-cooked steak, and mashed potatoes to Matilda. Matilda already started eating.  Next, the servant gave Bonzo some merlot wine, some perfectly made french fries, and some perfectly roasted chicken. Bonzo happily ate his meal. Okaw got a cup of blood, and that was it. Ruslan got some sushi and a Domaine Ramonet Montrachet Grand Cru (an expensive white wine I totally had to google.) Brianna, Leia and Goth got fruit punch, and finally, mac and cheese. Those who haven't started eating finally began as the servant goes to leave. Goth grabs the servant's wrist, making the servant look at her scared. Goth and the servent make eye contact, with Goth's somewhat piercing yet haunting gaze.

"Wait," Goth mumbled. 

"S-something wrong?" The servant asked, [rightfully] fearing for her life. 

"Yeah, you were about to walk away! I wanted to say thank you before you left!" Goth chirped kindly. "You and your friends worked hard, I can tell. We have some extra room at the table if you'd like to eat with us? We don't bite, I promise!" The servant looked at Goth as she said that, a bit surprised, and Goth let go of her. "You can bring out a friend if you're uncomfortable, but I understand if you say no too."

"I would love to! I wouldn't mind one bit!" the servant replied. She runs off and comes back with a small plate of mac and cheese and a small can of soda and sits as close to Goth as possible. Then everyone starts eating. 

"Wait, the listener of the bloody brotherhood, who has the option to eat anything they can imagine, chooses fuc- flipping mac and cheese?" Ruslan asked. 

"Yes. I value the simple things in life." Goth replied as she ate. 

"Oh, I see." Ruslan comments. After that, they silently ate for a while. Goth glanced over at the servant, expecting her to be somewhat nervous. But the servant was doing fine. There was no sign of fear in her eyes. This made Goth suspicious. 

"Miss? I don't think I caught your name?" Goth asked. 

"Oh right, forgive my rudeness! My name is Grace Hammond." She replied. They all look at Grace, a bit confused. Grace glanced at them nervously. "D-did I say something wrong?" 

"Do you mean the Hammond family? Please do not be lying to Bonzo!" Bonzo remarks. 

"N-no... I'm really a Hammond?!" Grace answers. 

"She is. I don't see a bit of deceit in her eyes. She is technically a duchess and heir to the Hammond's wealth. What brings you to a life of servitude? Please, enlighten us." Goth said. 

"Well, I choose this life!" Grace answered quickly. Goth looks at Grace with her somewhat haunting gaze again. Grace trembled fearfully. 

"Don't lie to us. Tell the truth. The Hammond's can't hear what you say here, so at the very least, be honest." Goth remarks. Grace looks down.

"He said he's giving his fortune to his wife. Once he made that decision, I was hidden from the public eye and horribly abused. I don't want to go into details. I want him dead. However, I don't have the money to pay for an assassin, and I don't have the guts to do it myself." Grace says.

"Ruslan and Bonzo, go to the Hammond's homestead and kill the head of the household," Goth ordered. "If you are not back by tomorrow morning, I shall come and do the job myself. He resides in a mansion in the Northern region, close to the castle. Kill anyone who gets in your way. Go, you're dismissed." Bonzo and Ruslan nod, then they leave. Grace looks at Goth, clearly surprised. 

"What? I was only doing the right thing! It's Sithison's way. Tenet 2, always help those in need, no matter the situation. Even though your a Somanion, and most of your kind hate us, I still have to help you since that's Sithison's way. He helps all in need, whether they worship him or not. It's something your goddess can learn from." Goth said.

"Wow... thank you kindly, your highness!" Grace answered. 

"Your welcome! Now then, everyone! Let's help Grace and the other servants clean up! It wouldn't hurt us to help out a bit!" 

~End of Chapter 28~

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