The Start of Chaos

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Once Sky and Voir finished setting up, the party guests started filling in. They all wore fancy ballgowns or dapper and luxurious suits. Snicker walks in holding Pink's small yet dainty hand. She wore a shining white ballgown with lacy sleeves, and wore a golden necklace with a diamond heart charm on it, which she didn't have once she came through the portal. They walk out onto the ballrooms dance floor as the elegant music plays and they dance together. Sky patiently waits by the punch bowl for someone, staring at the entrance while trying to remain patient and contain her growing impatient and eagerness. A pale woman who looked a little younger than Sky,  with pale green eyes, pale green hair, which was long and messy with a bunch of random flowers and sticks in it, walks to Sky, while playing with her long graceful dark green ballgown. 

"Oh, hello Ivy! Are you enjoying the party?" said Sky smiling, happy to see her sister. 

"Hi Sky! The parties great, it could use some more booze or flowers though." Ivy said in her already ditzy tone. 

"Oh well we didn't buy any because if we did Charmix would get alcohol poisoning AGAIN." Sky sighed, "Plus its a royal party to celebrate Moms birthday, not some random college party." 

"Oh right I forgot about her! She isn't here, she left to go hang out with her girlfriend" Ivy rolls her eyes, "Her priorities are all out of orbit. Its always Merida this and Merida that instead of focusing on her royal duty, like you, spacing out and staring at the door like it owes you the whole treasuries worth of money instead of talking to the guests."

"Your one to talk your hair looks like you just ran in the forest and lost your comb?!" 

"I did run in my forest and lose my comb though..."

"Of course you did, you always lose it."

"But seriously Sky, is something wrong? You can tell me if you want, I won't tell Dad especially if its really bad, and you know this already."

Sky looks down and sighs. "Agent Infinite hasn't come back yet, and I kind of wanted to dance with him at least once tonight." Ivy laughs. "And this is why I tell Ember my problems and not you, she takes them seriously!" 

"I seen him out cold in his room, Snicker must have knocked him out. Once Dad sees him he's gonna throw a fit since he isn't guarding!" Ivy laughs. 

"Okay I'm gonna go play guard then?!" Sky looks determind.

"Sis that's a horrid idea. You can't even lift a sword?!"

"I trained with the guards when I was a kid, and have you MET our father? He had me decapitating the dummies before I could even mumble my name, I'll be fine!" Sky walks off smugly. 

"And she's gone. Of course she's gone. Curse you Author of this madness." Ivy walks off into the ballroom. 

Sky was running down the hall and gracefully fell down the steps till she reached the bottom, the knights quarters, where all of the knights rest and prepare for the next battle. She stands and dusts herself off, and as she stood tall, she walks down the hall to a room with a door that looked like it got punched a lot. Sky creeks open the door and looks inside the room. 

Inside the room was a little messy. Agent Infinite lays asleep in a hammock, his bandana over his eyes so you can see his mouth and the sharp teeth inside it. The hammock he lays on was worn out and a dull shade of grey. His swords and other weapons like axes, spears, and bows and arrows rest perfectly on a rack. His closet was halfway open so you can see all of the other cloaks, hoodies, armor, and other garments inside. His desk had a black leather-bound book on it with a small cup full of different art supplies. Next to the desk was a small box full of even more art supplies like markers, pens, paints, pencils, sketchbooks, and spray paint. There was posters of many different rock bands nailed onto the walls. There was a schedule of where Infinite was supposed to guard for this week. 

Sky smiles a little as she looked at Agent Infinite. She slyly walks to the closet and takes some of Agent Infinites clothes so she can look as similar to him as possible, wrote something on a post-it, stuck it to the closet, read the schedule, and ran into a bathroom quietly to change her clothes. Once she changed her clothes she walks back out and runs to the spot Agent Infinite was supposed to guard, as she ran she mumbles a spell and a dark purple sword fell into Sky's grasp, she held it firmly and leaps onto a wall. 

Sky, or rather, Agent Infinite, was supposed to guard the garden. It was the garden that Sky was in this morning. Sky sits on the edge of the fountain and keeps alert of anyone suspicous. Moonlight walks into the garden in a blood red ballgown. She walks to Sky and quickly grabs her neck and pins her to the wall, holding her up above the ground, Sky dropped her sword and kicks and struggles to get Moonlight off of her. 

"You've been a thorn in my side and my plans for too long now Agent." Moonlight smirks. "You almost destroyed my army and my true end... now you suffer... enjoy being banished to the rough wilds of the most gruesome and disgusting realm in all of the land?!" A portal opens below Sky's feet. "Adios...." Moonlight blows a powder in Sky's eyes and Moonlight dropped her through the portal. Sky fell onto some type of cherry blossom tree, and hit her head hard enough to go out cold.

And... this is how the legend began. Three years of slumber... in those three years, plenty will go wrong without her there to stop it. 

End of Chapter 6

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