The Friends

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Sky and Shadow walk down a street, they were heading towards a beach with a small hut made of sticks with some roses blooming in the flower pots. Sky looks at the roses and Shadow walks in, Sky realized Shadow was inside and quickly ran after him. Inside was a cute round pink couch in the center of the round room with a small white round table in the center and a few hallways leading to different rooms. 

"Saku! Saku! We got a girl who needs a makeover!" He called out into one of the halls. 

"Wait what?! I don't agree with this?!" Sky replied rather quickly. But it was too late, a woman with pretty short pink hair gracefully sitting on her shoulders, vibrant pink eyes, a white dress with a red vertical stripe across the middle, and white fuzzy boots walks out and looks at Sky, holding a bag of makeup. Sky screams scared and hides under the couch shaking.

"Okay nevermind Saku, just get her some regular clothes," Shadow uttered as he looked at the woman known as Saku.

"But in here IS clothes, Shady!" Saku replied as she pulled out the two makeup brushes, inside were a few pretty clothes. "I wasn't sure what aesthetic she'd like so I picked a mix so she could choose for herself." 

"Oh... well Infinite you can come out unless you like it under there" Shadow remarked, smirking. Sky slowly walks out and looks at Saku. "That's my friend Saku, she'll help you change out of your clothes." 

"I don't wanna change!" Sky replied quickly, then Shadow points at all of the old purple bloodstains on her clothes. "Okay fine, but the bandana stays! I'm not showing my face to ANYONE!" 

"Fair enough, Saku didn't know what you liked so she picked out a whole bunch of different things," Shadow said as Sky nervously looked inside the bag. 

"I can't steal someone's clothing?! That's against my ethics!" Sky declared as she looked at Saku. "Keep your clothing! I'll be fine!"

"No really, I work at the local mall, I get more clothes than I can count! I won't wear these anyway it's not my style, so take some!" Saku said.

"What's a mall?" When Sky said this Saku's jaw dropped. 

"OMG?! Change right this instance and I'm going to show you?! What type of girl doesn't know about a MALL of all things!" 

"The one who's not from a realm with this mall? Is it some type of creature? Are we hunting?"

"N-no it's like a bunch of stores put together in one place. It isn't a hunting thing..." 

"Oh I see, so I'll see more earthlings?"

"Um...yes? Okay, are you coming or not?"

"Yes, I am, I was just curious, please forgive my babbling" Sky bowed to Saku slightly.

"H-hey it's okay I get it, you're curious, maybe you can take me to your world sometimes, I might do the same thing!" 


"Anyways, pick some clothes and we'll go to the mall and you can buy your own clothes if you want!" Saku comments smiling. Sky smiles too under her bandana and picks up some clothes that looked well together.

"Wheres the bathroom? I prefer to change in private, but I'm not sure if it's just a Morman thing or not" 

"OH, we don't watch people change on earth either!" Saku points down a hallway "At the end of that hall, you can't miss it!"

"Okay, thank you, Saku"

"No problem Infinite-chan!" Sky walks down the hall that Saku pointed to and entered the bathroom and shut the door. Saku turns to Shadow.

"Where did you find this one?!" Saku said.

"In a tree at Blossom Heights in my spot for over 3 years?!" Shadow replied. Saku sighed. 

"She's Morman, but I only thought her kind were spoken about in fairy tales and old legends. I never thought the legend about the crystals were real." Saku remarked amazed.

"What do you mean?"

"Papi used to tell me a story, it was about a brotherhood known as the Hounds of Sithis or occasionally called the blood or dark brotherhood for short. They were assassins who killed in the name of this devil figure named Sithis and some sort of spiritual figure that I can't remember right now. And there was eventually one leader called the Listener who can hear both their goddess named Soma, Sithis, and this spiritual figure bound to reunite the two, bringing bloodshed and justice to Morana and A Speaker who speaks for this listener. And it all starts with a journey to the earth realm it said. Shady, what if SHE'S The Listener?"

"Nonsense, what are the chances of that happening besides zero to none, how about this, anything else we know about this listener?"

"Well The Listener is said to be part of the brotherhood for multiple lifetimes and remembers each one" 

"Well she's suffering memory loss at the moment, so we can maybe ask if she knows anything about the brotherhood after telling her about it?" 

"Sure, but let's not scare her though."

 "Okay, that's a good idea..."

"Why are you guys talking about the brotherhood?" asked Sky, she wore the bandana still and wrap over her eyes, but she now wore a black crop top with a white crown design on it, black shorts, white ripped up leggings, and black high tops with a light blue thunderbolt on the side. Her long blue hair was in a ponytail with a small clip with a crown design and a white choker with a crown charm on it. Her heart crystal was attached to her neck and her broken heart crystals were still on her wrists and she held Infinite's other clothes. 

"Oh yeah... well we wanted to ask you about it?" Shadow replied. Sky sighs.

"I'm not involved with their deeds if that's what you wanted to ask. I'm one of the unlucky few who have been affected by one of their assassinations. I refuse to speak of them any more than that, please don't mention it again. It pains me to think about her."

"Oh.... I am sorry to hear that," Shadow uttered solemnly.

"Anyways, you ready to go Infinite?" Saku happily voiced, and Sky nods.

"Nonono not me! Your boy Shadow has a date with this couch and some of Saku's good ol' fashioned chocolate chip cookies!" Shadow walks into the kitchen and walks back with a cookie jar full of home-made chocolate chip cookies. 

"Cho-Cho-chip cookies! Mine!" Sky voiced as she happily takes a cookie and teleports it in her mouth, chews it, and swallows it.



"Okay that's enough, Infinite let's go!" Saku says as she drags Sky away. Shadow sits on the couch eating the cookies happily, not knowing what will come next.

~End of Chapter 10~

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