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I underestimated their fans. 

The last thing Naira expected was running away from a hoard of female admirers, her wrist still imprisoned by Rayan's grip as the two turned a corner. Naira was tired, but if they stopped running she would be torn apart along with Rayan. 

Seeing a hiding place ahead, Rayan sharply turned into an empty storeroom, jumping into the claws of darkness with Naira behind him. Breathing heavily to themselves, they stood silently on either side of the small room, staring at the closed door with wide eyes. The pattering of fans blurred past like a moving car, their voices begging for Rayan. 

Somewhere in the process, they split apart from each other, no longer touching and a safe distance between. 

Even in the darkness of the room, she could see his features scrunch in distaste at some of the more thirsty comments. She stifled her giggle with her hand. 

"Where did they go?" asked a girl from outside.

"Probably straight ahead. Did you see him hold her hand?" 

"Yeah, what a bitch." 

Naira frowned. Sure, I'm the villain here. Makes perfect sense. It's not like I was running for my safety or anything.

"Hey! Freeze!" rumbled the security team. 

And so, the real chaos began with security filtering out the backstage to protect the boys from the suffocating love of their fans. She wasn't sure whether Wesley and Kyle managed to escape or if they were fighting off the unwanted affection. 

The noise outside the door began to fade into the distance, their voices becoming faint like a whispering wind. She stood as still as stone, ears listening to any sudden movement. Naira wouldn't make the same mistake twice. 

Her eyes met Rayan's in a silent question. 

He pressed his finger to his lips, pressing his ear to the door. "I think we better stay here to be safe," he whispered as he straightened up. "Sorry to drag you into this."

Naira shrugged. "You really need to stop apologizing for stuff out of your control. It's very annoying." 

He arched a brow at her, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Did you just call me annoying?"

"Did I stutter?" 

Rayan threw his head back in a deep chuckle, the sound vibrating down her spine in electrifying jolts almost as if he were touching her, as if the distance between them didn't exist. Between them, conversations were easy, were simple, were enough to make her smile without effort. 

He had that effect, and she hated it. Was love such a force that it inhibited her normal reactions?

Naira sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "So, we're stuck here?" she asked. 

Rayan smiled, causing her insides to churn at the gentle gaze he always gave her as if she was the most precious person in his life. "I'd rather be stuck with you than anyone else."

She narrowed her eyes. "Must you flirt with me at every opportunity?" 

His grin only widened and a mischievous glint entered the specks of green in his eyes, conflicting with the chaos of a wave. It should be illegal to have such pretty eyes.

"Now that I know you love me too, you best get used to these remarks," he winked. 

She felt the heat crawl up the apples of her cheeks. "I'd rather not," she scoffed. "Your annoying presence is far more than enough."

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