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Like a wilting rose from afar, she watched the hues of love engulf the man of her dreams, silently observing the way his fans screamed for his attention, begged for his love. They went wild every time the spotlight shined on him, every time he flashed another breathtaking smile towards them, his sea-green eyes a stark contrast to his dark complexion.

How can they not fangirl over him?

Naira shook her head with a smile. She used to think she could fight against the attraction of his physical appearance, yet his kindness and compassion lured her in. Her heart was left defenseless as he unraveled all her emotions over and over again.

His baritone voice spoke through the speakers, the chorus breaking through as his voice range hit different heights, a richness in his melody that felt as if an arrow pierced right through her. It was a concert for his single while the other boys prepared for theirs.

Tickets sold like crazy and she made sure to livestream the preparations before the event started as promotional leverage. She had a film crew recording the highlights that she would have the marketing team post later to keep the hype alive like a burning spark.

Again, Rayan's voice dropped a few octaves as he began to conclude his song, the one he wrote for her.

Naira's heart thumped against her chest, heat rushing to her face as the tremors of love bloomed against her cheeks. Love was such a funny thing that she fell for a popstar of all people.

He stared at the camera, smile as bright as the moonlight from above, gaze sparkling like stars.

Naira Muller was helplessly in love with Rayan.

He inhaled a deep breath, sweat beading at the end of his hair. Raising his fist in the air, he shouted into the microphone. "Thank you!"

The audience roared with applause, fangirls screaming from all directions as Naira was hidden backstage.

Rayan laughed, blowing a kiss to his fans. "I'm glad you guys enjoyed my single!"

Gesturing to the backstage crew, Naira motioned for them to increase the volume in his microphone. They could barely hear Rayan over his fans. One guy from the crew gave her a thumbs up.

"This song... it's special to me because I wrote it for someone special," he said softly, a faraway, enchanted look in his eyes as if he was lost in the thought of her. Whispers and gasps went around the stadium as people wondered if it meant that Rayan had finally found the woman for him. "And just like how that person makes my heart go crazy, I wanted you all to feel the same way. Without you, I wouldn't be here, singing for you and making all of you smile with only my voice. Without you, there's no popstar Rayan Idrissi."

Her chest clenched painfully. How could she forget? His fans would always mean more to him. They were the source of his fame. Naira would be in constant competition against them.

No, don't back out. You're special to him too.

He gripped the microphone with both hands, tightly gripping it as the camera steadied. "It feels like a dream to be standing here. It's been years, yet I'm still amazed at how you support me." Rayan chuckled to himself, voice beginning to crack as he spoke. "I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you. If my words don't reach you, please let my song reach you instead. Let it fill the void in your chest just as mine has been filled. I love you guys with all my heart. And I will continue to love you."

A part of Naira wondered why his words sounded too close to a goodbye as if something else was solidifying in his mind like the barriers were crumbling down and a pile of dust settled after a storm. This was too raw, too personal.

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