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How Naira managed to still be at her office past dinner time, she had no idea. One thing was for certain, she wouldn't be able to go through with her plan to ask her father about his past. She grumbled under her breath, hating the loss of control as her plans spiraled from the band's stunt earlier. 

Her grandfather wanted a draft of her new marketing plan for their next album. The bars were set high for Naira, and she had no idea where to start. Fangirls may be lovesick fools, but they had standards when it came to their idols. Who was Naira to disappoint them?

Along with the draft, she had to schedule the band's dance practices, recording sessions, and photoshoots. That was only the business portion. Marketing was a whole new ball on the court, a new territory she was unfamiliar with. 

They had talk shows, acting features, solo entertainment, social media promotions, and so much more. As their manager, Naira had to be aware of all that and more. Each man had a specialty that put their names on the chart. Together, they were an unstoppable trio. 

She paused her typing, resting her chin on the palm of her hand as she released a tired breath. Glancing at the clock, she knew her family would be wrapping up their dinner to play a board game together. 

Sometimes the sacrifices weighed heavily on her chest, and she wondered if all her hard work would be worth the longing she felt. Some of her college classmates were moving on with their lives, getting married, starting families, and embarking on a new chapter in their lives. 

Naira felt a stagnant loss. 

No, you have to keep going, she told herself, dropping her shoulder as her back straightened. After all this, I can't give up. Ya Allah, give me the strength to continue on this path.

A gentle knock pressed against her door. "Hey, Naira. May I come in?" asked a smooth, gentle voice. 


Rayan walked in, the tuxedo kitten in one arm and a bag of food in the other. He grinned cheekily, showing his dimples as his flawless, dewy mocha skin. His brown hair was set with locks of curls that brought out the sea-green of his eyes like emeralds staring back at her in jovial mischief. 

Once seeing Naira, the kitten pounced away from his arms and gracefully landed on the floor, running up to her to purr against her leg, rubbing his midnight fur against Naira's leather ankle boots. She released a heartful laugh, hand reaching down to stroke Jax's fur. 

"I missed you too," she smiled. 

Walking to her desk, Rayan placed the bag of food in front of her before giving Jax a dirty look. "You never look that happy to see me," he scowled. Jax let out a small 'meow' as he ignored Rayan. "What a disrespectful kitten."

Naira picked up Jax and placed him on her lap, enjoying the soft fur beneath her fingertips as the kitten cuddle close to her, closing his eyes. Jax settled nicely on her lap, paws underneath him and tail hanging over her armrest. 

She saw Rayan's lips quirk into a smile as he took a seat on a chair in front of her, opening the paper bag to reveal two bowls of steaming hot shrimp ramen and chopsticks and forks if necessary. He pulled out the napkins next and a travel-sized hand sanitizer in the scent of black cherries. 

Once everything was out, he relaxed back into his chair, his lips pulling back to reveal his picture perfect smile, teeth a glistening white that popped out like pearls. 

Naira arched her brow in question. "What's all this for?" she asked. 

"I felt bad that you had to work overtime because of our shenanigans."

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