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"Daris, go away."

Her older brother pouted like an abandoned puppy searching for attention.

Naira and her brother were about a year apart that most people thought of them as unofficial twins given that in their childhood, they were inseparable. As they grew into adults, their paths diverged, but Daris always found a reason to be one step behind her, a constant guard dog that barked and whined when she preferred her studies over their banters.

Even still, Daris persisted. An example would be what he was begging her to do while she looked over the financial records of Red Knights.

Sitting on a leather couch in their family's living room, papers were scattered across the coffee table, a steaming cup of tea gently placed to the side as her eyes skimmed through thousands upon thousands of jargon that she tried to decipher.

On the other hand, Daris sat on the floor beside the table, chin pressed against the glass as he looked up at her with big, starry, hazel eyes, lashes flickering as his pout only intensified. Strands of his wavy, tousled black hair fell across his forehead, pleated in a chaotic mess like he'd been stressed all day.

With a sun-kissed, golden tan and eyes of melted gold, her brother had the ability to bend people to his will on command. He didn't make much use of that though. If anything, he was clueless to his innate ability to manipulate others.

She sighed. "Are you going to force tears now too?"

"I might."

"Daris, this is crazy," she muttered under her breath, placing the paper to the side. Naira gave her brother a pointed look, a deep frown on her lips. "Don't you have work to do for your new job?"

"But we haven't hung out in forever," he whined, lips pulled into another pout.

"Go bother Ammu if you're that desperate."

Her brother straightened, a spark of mischief entering his eyes. "Seems like someone here is a little uptight about her internship," he grinned. "You know what that means?"

"I'd rather not-"

"It means you are in need of a break!" he exclaimed, grabbing her arm and dragging her off the couch.

Naira's sounds of protest were silenced by her brother's rumbling laughter, his strength forcing her into a much needed break. As they fought and yelled at each other, soon the sibling bond resonated through them, and her annoyance flew like dust, a smile toying with the corners of her lips, a smile she tried to hide.

She would never admit it to him, but she was grateful for having an older brother like Daris. He was always the popular, outgoing, and charismatic one.

Their grandparents often joked that Daris could be a CEO, that he had the skills that her father and her lacked when it came to interpersonal dialogue. In high school and in college, young women flocked him, flirted to their heart's content even when he rejected advances.

It didn't matter because everyone felt special in his presence by his gentle smile or heartwarming laughter. Not even the guys could hate a man who wore friendship and brotherhood on his sleeves, openly giving away his love to anyone who needed it.

Still his popularity surpassed all members of their family, and here Naira was stealing the star for some old time gaming antics.

Allah, I will never be like him, but give me my own strengths, my own skills that will help me succeed. Let me be the daughter that my family would be proud of.

They walked into their shared game room full of everything a young adult needs to waste time through the lure of games ranging from cards to PC. The Muller siblings had it all.

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