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Something was off, especially between the Muller siblings.

Her brother sat at the dining table, alone after everyone had went to bed after the night's events. Their parents were fast asleep, and Naira only came downstairs to grab a drink. She didn't expect to see Daris staring blankly at his cup of coffee.

"You're drinking coffee this late at night?" she questioned as she walked up to the fridge, pulling out the cold water jug.

Daris jumped at the sound of her voice, a tight smile on his lips. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep."

Naira poured her drink, her brows furrowed. "Is everything alright?"

He nodded his head, not able to meet her eyes. That was more suspicious. Her brother was an open book with his emotions, lighting up a room with only his laughter, and making even the coldest hearts melt in his presence. He wasn't the type to be easily distracted by the mundane tasks of daily life, nor was he the type to lose his vibrancy when clouds covered the sun.

"You know, we're siblings before all else, don't you?" she reminded him as she took a seat beside him, drink in hand. Naira nudged her shoulder against his. "Come on, tell me what's on your mind."

Ambivalence circled his hazel eyes, but even he couldn't deny the tension between them. "I just... I guess I'm having a hard time today," he sighed, taking a slow sip of his coffee. It was black coffee, a bitter taste to a man with so much sweetness to life. Daris only drank black coffee when he wanted to stay awake, not for leisure.


His visage was tormented with a deep sadness. "Because you're getting married, Naira," he admitted, much to her surprise. "Life is changing so fast and our paths are drifting further and further apart. No matter how many times I try to close this distance, you seem to run further away as you chase your dreams."

Her gaze softened at her older brother, chest erupting in a sudden warmth as she understood the distance that he referenced. It was a thought that crossed her mind far too often, yet she made peace with the fact that growing up meant leaving some memories behind to nostalgia, that adulthood meant new relationships, that success could be cruel.

But none of that diminished the relationships she already had. Naira compromised a lot of her time to her career, to advancing her dreams, but her family was one thing she refused to compromise. There should never be a choice where she had to choose between her future or her family because to Naira, family would always stay in her future.

She learned how to love Rayan because her family taught her the weight of true love. She learned how to empathize with others because her family taught her the strength in sabr (patience). She learned how to be successful because her family taught her the beauty of faith in Allah.

"Marriage doesn't mean goodbye," she said softly. "Yeah, you're right. Everything is changing so fast, and nothing is slowing down enough for us to catch up."

Her brother let out a humorless chuckle. "Why must you tell me sad things?"

"Let me finish, you jerk."

He crossed his arms, gesturing her to continue.

"Just because we're on the fast track doesn't mean we forget about the people who matter. This distance, this diverging path is simply us growing up. It doesn't have to be a scary thing or something that makes us lonely," she tried to reassure him. Her hand reached out to grasp his. "We've always been on this journey together. Regardless of how many times our lives change, we were given this bond for a reason and brought together as siblings for a purpose."

Daris exhaled slowly, a sad smile tracing his lips. "Yeah. We have been on this journey for a while."

"And we're still going through it. We're still growing into this new chapter of our lives."

"I still can't believe my little sister is getting married," he said with a faraway look in his eyes. "Remember when we used to do everything together? Remember when you would cling to me?"

The memory flashed behind her eyes, and Naira found herself laughing. "Yeah, I do."

He squeezed her hand. "But you're right. Allah made us siblings for a reason, and even though I worry like crazy over you, I know you'll be okay."


"I just want you to be happy, Naira," he whispered. "I won't lie and say I'm not a bit upset that in a way your soon-to-be husband will replace my position in your life, but I will always be here for you when you need it."

"Rayan won't replace you," she denied. "No one could. I can promise that."

He chuckled. "Get some sleep."

"Will you be okay?" she asked, still worried about her brother.

"Cut your brother some slack," he joked. "I'll be fine In Shaa Allah (if God wills it). Like you said, this is a new chapter. We should at least turn the pages with ease, right?"

He had every right to be worried about her, but when it really mattered, she knew he had her back. When it really mattered, she knew that her brother would always be her knight in shining armor.

Ya Allah, keep my family illuminated in noor (light). Let them always remember You in their darkest hour, and ease their worries. Ameen.

Because even when the future held uncertainty, Naira knew that they would be okay.


Told y'all that I'd give you guys an early Eid present ;)

This was less of a romantic chapter, mostly because the concept of growing up and change has been on my mind lately. It really hits home when some of my responsibilities are changing. But change is a good thing, and growing up is part of life.

It seems scary and overwhelming, but at the end of the day, we get through it. If you're stressed about your future, take a breather and remember that Allah has a plan for you. Trust that plan, and get through everyday by doing your absolute best.

I'll stop being deep now >.<

Isn't this sibling bond just so wholesome? Daris is older brother goals hehe.

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