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The last three years had been kind to all of us. Cullen and I spent the time working on our relationship, healing from our loss, and starting a new, healthy relationship full of love. During this time, our little crew of college kids finally graduated!

It was one of the happiest days of my life. I worked so very hard and through so much turmoil to get there. Brandon, Tina, and Cullen were there cheering me on. Liam's Parents and Sister were there as well. I was a blubbering mess once I walked off that stage and returned to my seat. We all celebrated with our families together at the apartment.

Stacia was now working as a fully licensed realtor with Jodi's company. Derrick finished school and passed the bar, now working with his Father's firm as an attorney. Wedding plans were in full swing! I couldn't have been happier for them both.

Tarran and Millie surprised us all and snuck off getting married over Spring Break before graduation. While we were all disappointed to miss out on the ceremony, however, we couldn't have been more excited for them. Tarran had opened her own art studio, and Millie worked with her. They were doing really well and making a name for themselves.

Liam was completing law school and working at his Father's firm. We were good friends and had weathered so much that our bond was strong. I was incredibly excited when he finally made things official with Hailey, and they had moved in together.

Cullen was doing amazing things with the engineering firm while also finishing up all the work he had been putting into his adorable house. I was beginning my first year as a teacher. I'm not sure how I found it, but I caught the bug, and now I was Miss Merrick to a room full of the cutest kindergarten students ever. I felt happier than I believe I ever have before.

After a day spent at the school, getting my classroom set up and prepared for the first day fast approaching, I found myself in my tiny old apartment. Stacia had long been living with Derrick, and Cullen had his home, so I felt it would be nice to have my own space for a little while. I divided my time between Cullen's and home, and it seemed to be working out well. After a shower, I made my way into the kitchen for a quick snack when Stacia came bursting through the door.

"Whoa! What's the deal?" I cried out as she scared the hell out of me. I always forgot to lock the door.

"This. This is the deal." She held up a CVS pharmacy bag.

"I'm not following."

I licked the knife clean of the peanut butter from the sandwich I was making.

"Avery!! This is serious."

At her words, I put my snack aside and went to her. She was shaking like a leaf, looking to drop tears at any moment.

"What is it?

What can I do?" I held her arms, pulling her in for a quick hug.




"Did you do it?" I asked, standing outside the bathroom door in my bedroom.

"Yes!" Stacia breathed out, pulling the door open, stepping into the room.

"Okay, I'll set the timer."

"I can't believe this. We literally graduated less than a year ago; I'm finally getting my career up and going while planning a wedding, and now this." She huffed.

"At least you're fully aware of it and not surprised by a friend slipping up while you're in a hospital bed." I tried to joke; she didn't find the humor in it, though.

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