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The next few months after Liam's birthday went by quickly; we all sort of fell into our routines with class schedules and hanging out. I was able to find a job at a nearby coffee shop. It wasn't much in the income department, but I wanted to be able to pay for some of my things now that my savings had run out and to no longer rely solely on Stacia's parents. Stacia was perfectly fine with letting her parents give her a ride through college, and she spent any free time she had either studying or with Derrick. 

After Liam's birthday night out, we skipped the tattoo place, opting for another time but instead went back to my apartment. We watched Netflix and ate popcorn, making out and just enjoying each other's company. We decided to make it official, and he was now my boyfriend and me his girlfriend. After spilling all of my secrets to Liam, I decided that I could no longer use that as an excuse to prevent us from having a relationship; I decided I didn't want that to be the case either; I was excited to see where this went. Thanksgiving was fast approaching, and Stacia was planning to go back home for the Holiday. I wasn't sure if I wanted to or not, her family had been wonderful to me, but I was starting to feel as an adult that I needed to do my own thing. Stacia was having none of it. 

I sat with Tarran and Millie at the coffee shop, discussing it after my shift.

"You should go home; that is your home," Tarran spoke rationally.

"But you could also start a new tradition with friends, with us." Millie smiled.

"You guys aren't heading home?" I quizzed, sipping my coffee.

"Ha. Nope. My parents haven't spoken to me since I told them I was gay, about three years ago." Tarran explained. I frowned, thinking of how awful that must be for her.

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Derrick is going to Stacia's the day after Thanksgiving, did you know?" Millie asked, sipping her frappe.

"Yea, she mentioned it last night. Everything has been going well with Liam, but I don't feel like I can invite him to Thanksgiving at a home that isn't mine." I shrugged. "I think that's why I want to try and do it on my own. Plus, I can get some extra hours in here, and extra money is always a good thing." I smiled.

Millie nodded; Tarran smiled, though her smile was for someone or something behind me. I turned, seeing a tan guy with dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and built like a football player. I turned back to Tarran, raising my brow, confused."Cullen!!" She squealed, jumping up to hug the guy. Millie giggled.

"Cullen, like the Twilight Cullen's?" I asked, scrunching up my nose, leaning into Millie.

"Ha! I'm pretty sure he isn't a vampire. That's Tarran's brother." She giggled.

"Avery, this is Cullen, Cullen, this is my friend Avery." She introduced us. I shook his hand that he had extended to me. His handshake was firm but gentle, and his smile was wide with perfect teeth.

"Nice to meet you, Avery. Hey Millie." He scooted in next to her.

"Where have you been hiding?" I asked, joking. My comfort level with the girls was strong as we had all been spending so much time together.

"You mean my dear sister has not mentioned me?" He asked, giving her a smirk.

"I can't say that I have heard her do so, no." I teased.

He held his hand to his chest like a lady and gasped. "I'm shocked!" He cried, then laughing.

"Cullen is in the Marine Corp. He's on leave currently."

"Oh wow. Thank you for your service." I smiled over my coffee cup.

He winked at me and nodded.

"My brother loves me so much he decided to spend his leave and Thanksgiving with me!" She boasted.

"That's wonderful." I couldn't stop staring at Cullen. He was amazingly handsome. I mean, Liam was as well, and though he was my boyfriend, I wasn't dead. I could admire an attractive man. I knew he could tell I was staring because periodically, he would dart his eyes toward me and smirk while Tarran and Millie were talking.

"Avery isn't sure if she should go home for Thanksgiving or stay here and do something with all of us," Millie explained. I hadn't even noticed their conversation coming back to me.

"Well, I say the more, the merrier, stay and join us." He smiled wide.


The rest of the week went on then departure day arrived. Stacia and Derrick were gathering their things to head out to go back home. Derrick decided to head on with Stacia since I was staying behind. They were taking Derrick's jeep so that I would have a vehicle to get around. Liam was heading over in a bit for us to spend time together. He and the rest of his family were heading out to spend the Holiday with his Grandparents in Colorado. I would be spending Thanksgiving with Tarran, Millie, Cullen, and Faye. We were the strays, and I decided to host a nice Thanksgiving for us at my apartment. We all had selected a dish to make, and I would handle the turkey. I was looking forward to it. I was not the best at cooking, but I was excited to try this and do something independently.

"I can't believe you're bailing on us." Stacia groaned, pulling one of her bags into the living room.

"I'm not bailing. I'm growing up." I shrugged.

"And I'm not?!" She pretended to be offended.

"That's not what I mean. I'm excited to do something grown-up by myself. Thanksgiving is smaller scale than Christmas too, so it's a good time to try it out. I'll come home for Christmas."

"I guess I can understand that. We're going to miss you so much, though." She pouted.

"I'll miss you too and the family." I gave her a big hug, squeezing her tight.

"Can't. Breathe."

"Sorry." I giggled.

"What's going on?" Liam asked as he walked in the door.

"Girls." Derrick shrugged, sitting on the couch.

"You guys leaving already?" He asked.

"Yeah, as soon as they're done." Derrick nodded toward us.

We all said our goodbyes, and they headed off on their trip. I was excited for them; Stacia and Derrick had a good thing going; I hoped it worked out for them. I hoped this Holiday would set the tone for the rest of their time together.

"You look lost," Liam observed as I sat quietly next to him on the couch.

"Hmm? No. Just thinking."

"Care to share?" He asked, taking my hand and entwining our fingers.

"I was just thinking how nice it was for Stacia and Derrick, and I hope that everything works out for them." I smiled. He squeezed my hand.

"Always so kind. What about us?" He asked, raising his brow.

"I like where we are. I like that you let me take it slow. I think they're going on like warp speed or something, but that works for them." I laughed.

"I'll do whatever makes you comfortable, Avery." He kissed the tip of my nose.

"Most guys your age wouldn't be so happy about that," I mentioned, worried I was making him wait too long to be intimate with me.

"I like to think I'm not like most guys." He smiled, then crashing his beautiful lips into mine. We made out for a while on the couch, snuggling and talking before he had to go. Once Liam and I parted ways, I threw on some comfy clothes and curled up in bed, remote in hand, ready to watch some TV and then sleep. 

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