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When I woke again, this time, Tarran and Millie were standing at my bedside. I slowly blinked my eyes open and reached up for Tarran's hand.

"Is he okay? Please tell me he's okay?" I immediately got out. My voice was sounding strange to me. I felt like more was going on with me than anyone was letting on.

"He...He is." Tarran started to cry. I began to cry, 'Oh God, he's dead!'

"He's awake; he's been asking for you," Millie spoke for her.

"Wha... wait...what?" I swallowed the sobs that were coming.

"I'm sorry, Avery. I'm all over the place with all the news and keeping up with Cullen; my Parents are here. It's been a crazy time. I didn't mean to scare you; you need your rest and to stay calm for the baby." Tarran held my hand. I nodded, taking in her words. Then I paused. I sucked in a breath. 'Baby?' I thought. I felt utterly confused. I looked up as Millie poked Tarran in the side, giving her a look.

"Baby?" I whispered, turning my head to the side. I suddenly felt wide awake, the hazy feeling gone.

"Oh gosh. Um. Stacia!" Tarran called toward the door. Stacia immediately popped into the room.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on with me?! I have a feeling more is wrong than you guys are letting me know. Stop it, stop keeping me in the dark and for the love of God, stop letting them put me to sleep!!" I demanded. Stacia glared at Tarran then sat next to me on the bed, taking my hand in hers.

"You're fine, Avery. Nothing is wrong. Your ribs are healing, but other than that, you're fine besides exhaustion and dehydration. If you'd relax, you could eat, and drink and they'd gladly let you come home. Right now, they're monitoring you to make sure you are okay. I will tell you the rest if you can promise me you will stay calm because I want you, no I need you to be okay and to get rested to get out of here, okay?" Stacia held my hands, looking me in the eyes as she spoke.

"Yes, fine, I'll be calm." I lied.

"I don't believe you." She raised her brow at me.

"I'll do my best, Stacia, please."

"You're pregnant, Avery." She blurted. I sat, frozen. 'Pregnant? How?' I mean, I knew how, but seriously, we used protection; what are the chances? I reminded myself to take slow and deep breaths, promising Stacia I would stay calm. I wanted to see Cullen; I knew being calm and relaxed would get that for me.

"Can I see Cullen?" I whispered.

Tarran smiled. Stacia looked back at her, asking her permission.

"He will be over the moon. He's been up for two days, and every five minutes, he asks for you." She explained. "Everyone has been so worried about you; we just keep putting it off."

"How is he?" I asked, knowing the last update I had received was not so great.

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