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After getting only a few hours of rest, Liam was up to help me get ready for the day. Stacia had taken off to her classes that started before mine, Derrick doing the same. I protested when Liam suggested that he stay with me and help me to my classes, ignoring his own. Still, he refused, and it wasn't like I was in much of a position to really fight.

My body was so sore, but I could do the basics, brushing my teeth, hair and putting my top portion of clothing on. It was awkward, but I had to have Liam's help with my underwear and pants because of my stupid foot.

"I promise, I'm just helping you. I'm not looking at anything." He assured me. He kneeled down, closing his eyes as I leaned on him for support.

"You really don't have to do this. I don't know why you're wasting time on someone like me." I grumbled. I was feeling pretty low this morning, defeated almost, you could say, despite trying to trudge on with the help of what was turning out to be incredible friends.

"Avery, please. I explained this to you the first night we met. I'm not wasting my time. I want to be here, and I want to help you." He rolled his eyes, shaking his head at me. True to his word, Liam helped me get from class to class; once he got me settled in my class, he would take off as quickly as possible to squeeze in his and then rush back in enough time to help me again. I don't know how he was managing it, but he was.

 I tried my best to keep up and retain information thrown at me on the first day, but it was a lot and overwhelming. After the final lecture of the day, I sat waiting for Liam when Millie found me.

"I didn't see you in here! How fun, we have a class together." She sang, then looked me up and down. "What happened?!" She scooted next to me.

"Ugh. I fell down the steps at our apartment. Broken nose and a sprained ankle." I shrugged. "I'm glad to see you, though." I smiled.

"Oh, my goodness, girl!! You poor thing! Here, I can help you to wherever you need to go?" She offered.

"Liam is supposed to be here, to help me, he has been all day, but I guess we can get started. I feel bad enough for him running all around just for me."

"Liam is awesome; if I were into guys, I'd snatch him up in a heartbeat." Millie laughed, carrying my bag and books for me as we made our way out the door.

"Have you known him very long?" I asked, wondering if this great guy act was really true.

"About a month? I think. I moved in with Tarran, and she knew him from work; he comes over every now and then to hang out. He really is a good guy, Avery. I know it's hard to believe with all the douchebags out there, but he's always been there for any of his friends; he works hard, studies hard, and kind of keeps his head down, really. He dated a girl named Hailey for like a minute, but she's so not his type, that ended quickly." She spilled all the beans, and I was super grateful.

"Ah." I clicked my tongue, realizing what Faye had meant about Hailey when we were at Froggies. As I started to quiz Millie more, Liam came walking up quickly.

"I'm so sorry, I got caught up and..."

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