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Cullen's POV

Meeting that little dude this evening was the highlight of my day. He was the cutest little guy, and I couldn't wait to one day hold my own child like that. Avery gave off some weird vibes during our little meet and greet, which worried me she was perhaps feeling sad about everything. She was quiet on the way home, which concerned me even more, but I noticed she had fallen asleep after a bit. That was becoming a new concern, how exhausted she had been today. Once we were home, she woke up happy, and I led her inside.

"Why don't you get out some comfortable clothes while I draw up a bath for you?" I smiled, holding her hand as we made it up the steps.

"That sounds amazing. Will you join me?" She smirked at me.

"I will never say no to you, babe."

I got the tub ready and filled with her favorite soap, towels out and even managed to light a candle for her. She joined me in the master suite as she was stripping herself of clothing with a smile on her face.

"I'm so tired. This is going to feel great." She murmured as I watched her undress. Avery quickly reached behind her and shut the main light off, leaving us with just the flicker of the candle. "Are you joining me or not?" She teased, climbing into the tub. Like the lucky bastard I was, I got my clothes off as quickly as I could and slid in behind her, wrapping her into my arms. She melted into me, groaning with pleasure. I slowly washed her exhausted body, kissing her every chance I got. She was so quiet; I thought she might have fallen asleep on me.


"Mmhmm." She hummed.

"Are you falling asleep on me?"

"Nope. Just relaxed. This feels amazing. Thank you, babe. I've been so tired." She spoke barely above a whisper.

"Are you okay? You're worrying me about how tired you've been. You're not one to complain." I leaned over so that I could see her face, looking into my favorite green eyes.

"I'm more than okay. I'm so happy, Cullen." She had tears forming as she spoke. She took my hands, guiding them toward her middle and placing them on her stomach. I kissed each tear as it fell, nuzzling into her neck.

"No more tears then, baby, if you're happy."

"They're happy tears. Don't you feel that?" She asked, placing her hands on top of mine. I was confused. Then a rush of heat flew through my body as it all started making sense. Avery had been exhausted lately and more emotional lately. I had noticed her middle had pooched out, but as any smart man knows, you don't mention that.

I rubbed my hands across her stomach, feeling the size difference.

"Avery? Are you?" I was scared to ask. She turned herself around, straddling my lap and wrapping her hands around my neck. Her perfect lips crashed into mine, and all felt right in the world. It always did when our lips met. This woman was my everything.

"I'm pregnant, Cullen." She said between our lips, leaning back and smiling.

It was my turn for happy tears. I shook my head with a laugh. "How long have you known?" I asked excitedly.

"I'm almost fifteen weeks. I've known for a little while. I'm sorry. I just-I mean we have had so many letdowns. I wanted to be sure." Her eyes filled me up as she spoke with so much love. "I didn't want to disappoint you again."

"No, No." I took her chin, pulling it up to me. "You have never disappointed me, Avery. We're in this together. You and Me." I kiss her lips. "You could never disappoint me. I love you." I kiss her again. "I'm so happy, baby. I'm so sorry you went through all these weeks alone, though."

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