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I hung up and shifted around the apartment. I decided to head out to the shop a little early and maybe get lucky enough to get some extra shift time. I entered the coffee shop and noticed it was busy; Aaron was happy to see me and let me get right to work. I was filling orders left and right, and I noticed that Gage, Haden, and a couple of other guys were in the shop. I shook off the nervousness, knowing that they wouldn't mess with me after the incident in the apartment. I worked back in the kitchen, getting some baked goods warmed up and bringing them out front to the case. As I was finishing up, Gage approached me. I tried to move faster to get away, but I wasn't fast enough.

"Hi, Avery." He smiled.

"Hi, Gage." I forced a smile.

"Look, I'm sorry about everything that went down."

I interrupted him. "It's okay, no need to discuss it. I've got to get back to work." I turned quickly and went back into the kitchen. 

Time flew by, and it was lunch break. I decided to walk around the block and grab a salad to eat in the pocket park. I sat with my meal, sending another text to Liam. He still hadn't returned my call and no texts either. I was feeling a little sorry for myself and barely pushing around my salad. I felt someone sit next to me on the bench and looked over to see Haden. I quickly stood, preparing to take off.

"Listen, I know you assumed everything was all taken care of since your boyfriend got some punches in, but I don't think it is over." He sneered. "I also don't see your little bodyguard around, so I think it's time we talk."

I shook my head and started to step away, but he grabbed my arm. I was going through so many thoughts at once; my head was spinning. I was so angry to yet again be in such a position. I took a deep breath and turned, and with one move, I kicked him right in the crotch. He fell to his knees, groaning. I got a few steps ahead and started to sprint back toward the coffee shop. Before I knew it, he was on my heels, cursing at me along the way. He dove for me and grabbed my bag, and pulling me down onto the sidewalk. I was fighting with him as he dragged me back into the alleyway.

"I got you once, and I'll get you again; you thought you all would get away with what you did to me? Fuck no!" He slapped me hard across the face. I started to yell out in pain and for help, but he quickly covered my mouth. As soon as he did, I bit hard, causing him to pull back then throw my head into the brick wall behind me. 

The pain was unbearable, and tears started to pour from my head. I took advantage of his distraction, screaming out again. I began to beg him to please let me be as we heard voices approaching. He reared back, giving me one more hard punch to the face, then ran off. I slid down the wall and slumped over, holding my bag and sobbing. I grabbed my phone out, trying to figure out who to call. I didn't want to call the police; I didn't want to deal with any of that right now. As I sat there trying to see out of my tear-soaked eyes that were swelling from the punch, I heard the voices getting closer. I flinched out of fear it could be Gage or one of the others. I was shocked and saddened at the same time to see Cullen and another male walking toward me, speeding up as they realized I was hurt."Avery?!" Cullen cried out, kneeling next to me.

"Yes." I moaned.

"What the hell happened? Hey, Tuck, call the cops, man." He called to his friend.

"Haden. Ugh. I tried to fight back." I groaned out.

"Which way did they go?" He demanded. I pointed, and he immediately sprinted up. I just sat there, numb, hearing his friend speaking to the police. I was too broken to protest.

The officers arrived quickly, even calling in an ambulance. The officers took my statement, and the EMTs tended to my wounds. I refused to go in the ambulance and sat as Cullen told the officers he would make sure I got home and got their contact information for me. I felt miserable, pathetic, and yet again like a loser. My tormentor from my past had somehow found his way to continue his hold on me no matter how hard I fought.

New Beginnings.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ