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I woke up in a rush; I ran late to get to the coffee shop for my shift. I was working a double today, taking any shifts from co-workers who had gone out of town: the more money, the better. I threw my hair up in a high ponytail, a little powder, lip gloss, and out the door. Luckily, the shop was just around the corner from the apartment, and a quick jog got me right on time. I tied my apron and clipped my name tag into place, sliding behind the counter just in time.

"By the skin of your teeth!" Aaron teased; Aaron was the shop manager and my boss. In his late 40's. All the employees loved him, it was a great place to work, and I considered myself lucky.

I took my lunch break at the pizza place next door. I was sitting by myself, nibbling on my pizza, scrolling through social media on my phone, when I felt someone standing near me. I looked up to see Cullen.

"Want some company?" He smiled, holding his plate of food and drink.

"Um, sure? I won't be here awfully long though I have to get back to work." I moved my stuff to the side so he could sit across from me.

"Oh? Where do you work?" He asked; I was trying to remember to breathe. This hunk of a man, talking to me, I was surprised he recognized me. I was also trying not to stare.

"The coffee shop, next door." I pointed to my name tag. Then I mentally smacked myself for being such a dork. He smirked at me like he knew what I was thinking.

"Ah, I see." He nodded. "Since I have you here, do you mind if I bring a guest to Thanksgiving?" He changed the subject.

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach, figuring he must mean his girlfriend. Then I immediately felt guilty; why did it matter to me if he had a girlfriend or not. I had Liam. I realized I was lost in my head and taking way too long to answer when Cullen was sitting, half-smiling at me.

"It's not a girlfriend." He stated calmly. "It's a fellow Marine who doesn't have a family to be with; I didn't want him to be alone." He explained.

"Oh, yea, of course, that's fine. Anyone who needs a place to go is welcome. I have a boyfriend too." I blurted out awkwardly. Cullen giggled.

"Great, that's nice of you. On both accounts." He winked. I could feel the heat rising to my face and my cheeks turning rosy red. I had no idea what was going on with me. I shook it off, shaking my head and finishing my pizza. I guzzled my water and stood to throw my things away, trying to give myself a breather.

"I think we'll have a ton of food, so plenty for all. I have to get back to work, though; the double shift means double the money." I laughed.

"Thanks for letting me join you; I guess I'll see you soon."

I nodded, heading back to the shop and getting back into the groove for work. We typically had a nice flow of customers, mostly college kids but occasionally a few professors and those working in some nearby offices. Most customers were kind, tipped well, and made work easy. For some reason, today, I was greeted by one of the worst customers. Her order was ridiculously complex, and she wanted it specific. I made her order precisely as she stated; after tasting it, she disagreed. 

Coming back up to the counter, she screamed in my face and asked for my manager, so I brought Aaron over to speak with her. I did my best not to let her get to me, but she hurt my feelings with her awful words. The embarrassment of being called out in front of others in the shop was no help either. Aaron tried to calm the woman who was clearly having a bad day and chose me as the scapegoat. I stepped forward to apologize to her yet again and offered to buy her a gift card to come back anytime; that was not the right thing to say because she splashed the entire coffee over the top of my head. I stood in shock and more embarrassment. What adult woman acts like that?! I thought. Then I started to cry. Damnit! I balled my little hands into fists, trying to hold the tears back, but of course, I couldn't. I grabbed a towel from under the counter and went to step back to clean myself up. As I rounded the corner toward the bathrooms, I ran into what felt like a brick wall.

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