Chapter Seventeen pt 2

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[TW/Graphic Warning: very brief description of violence]


At the young age of twenty, a scholarly woman had been invited to join a society of underground secret scientists consisting of both demons and elves. Her knowledge in spellcasting and her ability to learn, understand, and innovate had impressed those in higher positions. Maybe, finally, she would be able to bring success to their most mind-bending experiment.

A feather tip pen dipped fresh in ink tapped onto an empty page, a dot of black spreading wider and wider. With a sigh, the woman turned to the previous page, skimming through the sentences, scrambled, and written without flow.

Precision with ice, increased.

Fire, same color.

Elemental harmony, increased.

No new symptoms.

Tilting her head to the right and then the left, her stiff neck stretched. The pen was set off to the side on a quill holder, and she closed the stack of papers, the wind rushing, making the nearby candle light dance.

She stared at the cover on the pile of data. In big letters, with the clearest handwriting, the words wrote:

Angel Experiment 001

"What do you think?" A familiar voice rang beside her ear.

"Honestly? I think it's pretty dumb. Are they seriously hoping that a creature that has yet to be proven to exist can be created? On what basis? Because it can control all four elements? It seems like it's just some weird mutation, not a precursor to a mythical being. I can't believe scientists of all people believe in this bullshit. Or maybe the elves are delusional because they don't have wings."

The other voice would have laughed given the opportunity, but that person was not one to show big displays of emotion. Instead, she sufficed with a smile. "Illogical, perhaps. But to test the limits of its magic is enticing, wouldn't you agree, Vrona?"

Vrona smirked. "I suppose that part is true, Mon."

Not long after her entry into the underground system, Vrona was quick to be acquainted with Mon, another demon only a couple years older than her, and shared her interest in research. The two of them had been the team's most valuable additions, their young innovative minds, moldable to their agenda.

When Vrona joined the team with an oath of secrecy, she was flooded with reports about this curious elf: Angel Experiment 001, or, AE001. There were results of distress put onto the elf, information about its skills, abilities. What it ate, the result of its diet. Poison and its effect, which were none.

Background: The subject had murdered its parents and as a result had been taken in, and then handed off to the secret society with promises of containment.

And by containment, they'd meant contained and protected experimentation. Because a threat to society was degraded into just a tool.

Theory: If enough pressure was put onto an elf attuned to four elements, then it would awaken the deep rooted powers of an Angel.

Angel: A mythical being of elements, one much like an elf, but stronger, with wings.

It turned out that this branch of the underground society had been investigating proof of Angels. And when they learned of AE001's existence, it was as if a beacon of hope had struck them.

But to Vrona, it was, as she had called it, bullshit. Older scientists just stuck in their hopes stubbornly without realizing their own stupidity.

However, the unique subject of the experiment still intrigued her, so she willingly took on the task. Not in hopes of some fantasy come true, but just pure curiosity with the unusual.

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