Chapter Seven pt 3

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"The edge of the elven barrier should be a few hour's walk away. If we go tonight at night, there might be more guards but we can hide better in the darkness. If we go tomorrow during the day, there will be fewer guards around, but not as easy to hide." Eial sat next to the demon beside the fire. Now that the demon was healed, they had to start planning their next moves.

"Wait, a few hour walk? I'd rather not. Can't you teleport us like you did at the cell?" the demon frowned.

"I need to conserve my energy to teleport us at the barrier. I've already used a lot of magic to heal. Walking would be safer unless we stay here for a couple more days."

The demon huffed and tried to mask his annoyance. "Fine. Walking it is." After some thought, he looked at the sky and a sinister glint crossed his eyes. "Let's go tonight, then. If there may be guards no matter what, being harder to spot will give us an advantage."

"Alright." The elf didn't show as much excitement as he was really feeling. He fantasized about them leaving, about how his home would look like, how different everything would be. His heart beat faster in excitement and the slightest bit of nerves. "Do you think I'll be okay in the demon's land?"

With a mocking chuckle, the deep voice responded, "Oh I'm sure you'll fit right in."

The naive elf smiled and tapped his feet, a tingle permeating through his chest.

It wasn't until the sky had become completely black that they had started to prepare for their departure. The moonlight was covered by dominating clouds, shadowing the fields. Eial set up a temporary fire while they gathered their belongings. For the demon, it wasn't much. He knotted the string of his cape around his neck and patted the dust off his bottoms.

Eial needed a little more. He tied pouches of grass with treats and herbs he had gathered around his waist. His forest green cape covered him and he made sure his hood was worn. Finally, after a huff, he moved his arms in a rounded pushing motion with his fingers scrunched. Slowly, the roots, the grass, the mud— everything that made up their underground sleeping cove twisted and morphed until all evidence of their presence vanished.

"Wow, just like that? I thought you'd be more sentimental," the demon said with his eyebrows drawn in mild surprise.

"Really? I move often so I'm fairly used to this." Eial looked up and paused before he looked at the demon and continued with a soft smile. "Although, I suppose I cherish the time I had with you here."

The demon smirked and closed his eyes, recalling the small memories. "Yeah, it's been alright."

Eial beamed at the demon's mild, but rare admission until suddenly his gaze caught sight of something a few feet ahead of him.

"Lightning bugs!" he exclaimed as he rushed over to the one. His hands gently closed around it before he brought it over to show the demon. A yellow glow formed around his palms as they opened to let the bug fly free. As it flew upward, they noticed many more surrounding them, flying up in unison and spreading their breathtaking luminescent dance.

"Ha!" The demon glanced around at the scene he was not accustomed to in his usual life inside the walls of his home. Perhaps even a slight bit of astonishment grew in him. "I've been sleeping through this, huh?"

"I think there are more tonight. Maybe they are here to say goodbye," the elf giggled and waved. "Goodbye lightning bugs. Thank you for giving me company until now." Eial breathed in the cool and humid night air, taking in the familiar scents and fields of endless plains. With a wave of his hands, water magic formed in thin air and put out the fire he created, leaving the area completely black until their eyes adjusted to the small flame Eial carried on his left fingertip. "Shall we?"

The two of them walked the short distance to the end of their personal barrier where then Eial placed his free hand to make contact with it.

Taking a deep breath in, Eial admitted in a soft voice. "You had said you'll take me with you, but... you were right. I was still scared of you leaving so I trapped you within the barrier. I'm sorry. I will learn to trust you and learn to better suit you. And I hope I can show you my worth." Just as he finished, a brief distortion of the view appeared in front of them before Eial dropped his hand. "Done."

The demon reached out cautiously and when he noticed his fingers made no contact with an invisible wall, he heaved a relieved sigh. He turned his head towards the elf, shuffling his companion's hood at the same time. "Let's go."

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