Chapter Three pt 1

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Chapter Three

A blistering backache seized the demon's senses as his eyes creaked open. The first thing that appeared in his sight was silver hair that rested on a face covered with the hood of a cloak. He immediately shot up in alarm, resting his weight on one arm against the damp grass. His heart raced while his memories were flooded with the panic of the hundreds of falling arrows towards him.

His head dashed side to side, observing nothing but open plains and the elf who had been resting on his stomach beside him. No guards. No magic arrows.

"Hey," he called towards the elf. There was no response. Is he dead? he thought just as he noticed the elf's back move up and down in rhythm. "For now...," he whispered to himself and went over to the elf to clasp the elf's arms together behind his small back. A purple-black cloud formed around the elf's forearms. The demon performed the same magic on the elf's legs, immobilizing him.

With the elf restrained, the demon finally felt at ease enough to think. He could tell he was safe and no longer in the prison. No one else seemed to be present in this area, or anywhere near. The searing back ache reminded him of the elf who had whipped him, which only added to his confusion. At that moment, he thought of the elf's betrayal, but the present circumstances proved otherwise. Why had he done that? Who brought them here? Why are we safe?

Slowly awoke the elf, whose attention has been brought to by the shuffling of the demon's feet on grass. He groaned in weariness as he tried to prop himself up, only to find his arms and legs stuck in position.

"So, you're awake? Tell me, how did we get here?" The demon walked over to the elf and looked down, without caring of the panic washing over his face.

"Could you... take these off?" asked the elf in a calm voice despite his emotions that displayed the opposite.

"Answer me."

Eial was too distracted by the restraints to care about the demon's words. In quick motion, the elf rolled himself towards the demon and the demon instinctively jumped back. In successive movements, the elf had enough time to stomp the ground with both feet and chuck a large mound of soil at the demon's shins, causing him to topple forward.

"Fuckin earth user too, right." The demon shot a wave of dark energy forward to soften his landing. Unfortunately for him, also revealing his back.

With another stomp to the ground, the elf hurled another piece of the earth to the demon's broken wing.

"AURGH!" the demon shrieked in agony and anger. The moment of pain had been just enough distraction for the demon to lose control of his magic, including the shackles binding the elf.

Eial, now free, sat up while using the water from the damp ground to encapsulate all of the demon like a mummy except for his face and where his wings attached on his back.

"Fucking cheap move, bastard," he swore in demon's tongue.

"Sorry, but...," he apologized. "Sorry."

"If you're sorry, get me the fuck out of here," bit the demon, squirming, his dignity shattering by the second.

"Only if you don't do that again."


The elf let go of his magic and the second he did, the demon was immensely tempted to betray his words. But at the last moment, he decided otherwise. He needed information and playing by the elf's wants would be the easiest way to get it. Especially considering the weakness the broken wing brought.

The demon moved himself to sit crossed-legged, leaning forward, and ignored the obvious caution surrounding the elf.

"So, tell me now. How did we get out? Are the guards still after us?"

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