Chapter Four pt 3

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Sunlight basked the open plains when the demon crawled his way up the ladder and out the opening. The field of green and cool shadows bathed the surface in silence. And... the little elf did not exist in his field of vision.

The demon's eyebrows fringed and his eyes searched around, but only a wide tree came to focus. "Maybe he's taking a shit or something?" Or... did he leave? He sat himself on the stool made by the elf the day before. I'm supposed to be the one to leave him...

Images flashed of the elf tying his cape, caressing his horns, nibbling on cooked fowl while giggling at the sight of him.

["I'm very happy you are here."]

In defiance, memories of when he walked and reached the surface of the barrier encompassed his mind. He'd noticed his hands stop at the barrier, denying exit, and his own magic refusing to make a dent. Realizing he couldn't leave, realizing his ability compared to the elf's magic, realizing he was being controlled by the elf. Creators of barriers can grant and deny access to pass through. And for all the talk of trust, the little being didn't seem to have any.

["They abandoned me as a baby."]

["I hope you will also become happy spending time with me."]

Furiously, the demon stood up and kicked the soil with a roar. "Dammit!" He whipped his body, his cape flowing to follow, and his body stopped at an unexpected presence.

"...Good morning." The familiar sweet voice greeted as he stood shocked at the demon's sudden movements.

Unplanned relief washed over the demon like cool water on a warm summer day. All of which was masked by his stoic, uncaring face.

Noticing the silence, Eial took a deep breath in and started, "So I thought about what you said last night. And... I apologize for making the barrier like that without telling you."


"But... I'm not going to change it."

Fire started to bubble within the demon, an aura of fury surrounding him. "You..."

"I am aware I am purposefully keeping you here. But without the barrier, you may leave the safety of this area before your wing heals and cause more harm to yourself."

"You think I can't take care of myself?"

"This territory is not familiar to you. You may end up on ground secretly protected by hundreds of guards."

"...I won't leave. So, change the barrier."


"Why? I thought you trusted me."

"Trust is a separate issue. You are stubborn. I am protecting you from your stubbornness."

"Says a stubborn man himself," the demon gritted.

To that, the elf thought for a moment and then chuckled, "I suppose you're right."

His smile soothed the demon's fury more than he'd liked to admit. With another frustrated roar and kick of the grass, he turned. "Fine! I'll only allow this until my wing heals."

"Thank you. And then we can depart and safely find a way back to your territory."

We. Sure.

"By the way, are you hungry? I found a morning meal. I hope you don't mind sweet berries and flowers."

"Berries and flowers? What do you think I am, a rabbit?"

"I promise they're good. Give them a try!" Eial reached into a pouch made of netted grass and displayed a small array: a small, blue berry, a round, black berry, a few pastel blue flowers in the shape of a bell.

Hesitantly, the demon picked a flower by the tips of his nails. He brought it close to his face, examining the plumpness with a disgusted look, the edge of his mouth curving downwards. Facing away, he carefully placed it in his mouth and bit.

Crsh. A flavor sensation burst on his tongue, and a sweet richness oozed out, filling his mouth with a pleasant flavor.

"Not bad, I suppose. But I'll need a lot more than a few to fill me."

Eial gleamed. "I'm happy you like it! And don't worry, I have plenty more."

The demon and elf shared the various flavors, all of which surprisingly satisfied the horned being's tastes.

"This black fruit... is nice. What are they called?"

"This one... this one, I'm not sure. I haven't looked into it."

"You don't know what they are? They're not poisonous, are they?"

"Oh no, no. Don't worry. I've eaten this plenty of times and haven't gotten sick."

"Well, I hope I don't get sick either."

The elf giggled.

"That wasn't something to laugh at."

"Oh." The elf paused... and then continued to giggle nonetheless.

The sunlight illuminated the ground further, polishing the grass with a light glow. Warmth picked up the dampness from the day before and left the sky an even layer of blue. Wind rummaging the leaves was the only sound that showered the plains. And with a groan, the demon stood up and stretched, his exposed arms and face bathing in the warmth.

"Is there a river around here?"

"Oh, are you thirsty? I can—"

"I need to bathe. I am dirty and I am sweaty."

"Oh... well, there isn't a river nearby, but I can clean you with magic. Or, would you rather have a soak? I can arrange that, as well."

I can arrange that, the demon snickered at the phrase too familiar to him and returned his mind back to the present. "How will you prepare a bath?"

The elf stared for a second before proceeding to use magic to lift loose soil and stone to create a tall tub of sorts, coating the insides with a layer of soft grass. And with another sweep of motion, water filled the opening and fire magic allowed the water to steam.

"Of course."

"I can clean your clothes in the meantime," the small being said and lent his arms out, gesturing to the demon to place his clothes on there.

"Hmm. Alright then." The demon dawned a flirtatious grin and untied his cape, which fell to the ground like ribbon. His hands gripped the seam of his sleeveless black shirt and drew them up and off, the slits on the fabric easing past his wings. His expectant stare noticed all of the elf's reactions.


...were none.

"You're no fun." The demon's face turned uninterested and he took his loose top and flung it at the elf's face, covering his eyes from the view of his bare chest. Pants followed, blinding the elf's vision just as soon as he brought down the first fabric from his face. By the time the small hands cleared his vision again, the demon was in the tub with his arms spread along the smooth edges.

Eial looked at the clothes that lay on his arms and noticed the warm scent that came from them. His bond's scent. His cheeks flushed and he stuffed his face in the garments to hide, smiling within the warmth. But soon he sprung his head back up, remembering to clean them.

Water flowed through the fabric and spun it in the air. After a few seconds of spinning, the liquid from within the seams popped out into droplets before splashing down onto the ground. Another stool conjured from the roots next to the tub.

As Eial placed the neatly folded clothes on the stool, he looked at the demon who had his eyes closed. His wet face hung back and shimmered against the sun. His wings were balanced off the edge. His strong and lean arms glistened. Eial felt a tug from his chest— a need to touch, to be closer.

"May I join you?"

The Demon and the Elf (Book 1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora