Chapter Twelve pt 5

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The demon looked at the elf with wavering eyes. "But I've already told him I'm keeping him!"

"He doesn't just need you! He needs your heart."

"Well, I can't force that!"

"Drokn, you're vile and brutal with your words and impulsive with your actions. But are you really that oblivious to how much you already care for him? I'm not asking you to fall in love with him. Though, can't you at least be more fucking honest with him for once and treat him better?" The demoness sat back down next to Eial. "I'm taking care of him tonight. Why don't you can take some time to fucking reflect."

Drokn had nothing he could say. He just silently wandered back into the coolness of the dark hut. Sitting on Eial's bed, he caressed the soft grass layer as a clump clogged his chest. Then, anger took hold of him as if anger could aid the lump. It's not my fault! I didn't do anything wrong! How was I supposed to know?? I already said I'm keeping him!

In his mix of emotions, Drokn had somehow wasted the night away alone with his thoughts.

When dawn had struck the chorus of birds, Drokn blinked from his sleepless night, staring across to Eial's bed. Slowly, he made his way up and out of the room. Looking around to see no one and nothing but the silent hut, he made his way down to a tree filled part of their surroundings. As he walked closer to a dark object in the near distance, his pace quickened. Reaching a tiny black dome of dark energy, he waved his hand over it, making the magic disappear.

A couple days ago when Drokn had received a flower from the elf, he wasn't sure what to do with it, but he wanted to keep it. He had seen several vases before in his palace. Useless, he would think as the flowers floated on the water, but he equally couldn't stop staring.

With that knowledge, he took the flower Eial gave him and placed it in a small puddle of water in the middle of the forest. To protect it from the elements, he created a dome over the flower, shielding it from wind, debris, animals, and rain.

However, when he removed the magic on his current visit, his heart sank further into darkness. In place of a once healthy and vibrant green flower was a flower completely wilted and brown. Although the flower had received water, it had been suffocated from the dome that had no ventilation or sunlight.

Carefully, he picked up the wilted flower, the base dripping from the remnants of water. He clenched his free hand before stuffing the flower into a pocket inside his cape.

Walking back, his steps were no longer sleep ridden and gentle. As he approached the cabin, he heard voices and slowed down, listening in with his body frozen near the entrance of the cabin.

"Careful... keep laying down if you need to rest more."

"I'm okay." Then, the soft voice paused.

"Are you thinking about Drokn? He really wanted to stay... but I kicked him out. I'm sorry, Eial. Should I call him over?"

There was a soft rustle. "No, don't worry about it." Another pause. "...Mother, why didn't you use the teleportation spell on yourself?"

A sigh. "It was more important that the two of you met. ...But I'm starting to question if I made the right choice."

It was very faint, but the next words hollowed Drokn: "...I also wonder that."

The horned being stood very still, as if the words had yet to process through his brain. His feet refused to move or even function. His breath and his heart stilled.

The Demon and the Elf (Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora